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Posts posted by Vinixs

  1. 17 hours ago, crewly said:

    (This post, itself, is a joke.)

    As humor gets degraded and less funnier on Minehut, we have decided to set up standards for true comedic images seen on any Minehut social media services, to make people see more humorous content produced by users on minehut.

    cCSC (crewly Comedy Standards Certification) Federal Law, Article 46
    What's the point of Article 46?
    We try to highlight the best of funny content on Minehut, whether it's a joke, meme, etc., by watermarking them. That way, we will revive humor and laughter.

    What are the standards for cCSC?
    We have been thinking about the standards for quite some time and we are 100% sure that our decisions are final. Here are the standards:

    • If the content is deemed funny by crewly

    When will the new Federal Law take place?
    It will take place on the 16th January, 2020

    How does the Watermark look like?


    This watermark is found in funny images deemed by crewly. (If you use this watermark without permission, then.. what? I'm just a forum post, not a cop)

    How to see if a user-generated content is funny?
    On the bottom left or right corner, you should see the watermark seen above. If it's not there, it is highly recommended that you simply ignore the joke.

    We are striving to improve this community's entertainment standards, one joke by another.

    Lead of Marketing, Spokesman of cCSC




  2. 9 hours ago, Swayl said:

    I'm bored. So react to this with LIKE If you're bored too. Then don't react if you're a rule breaker. Okay? Simple tasks.



    I feed off these Trent memes


    4 minutes ago, LoliRaider said:

    A friend and I wanna use mods on a server. Do mods work? If so how do I enable the mods? Any answer is helpful.

    Nope, Minehut does not support mods on a server

    • Sad 6
  3. 14 hours ago, XXXCanadian said:

    Client Manager



    Client Manager is a Light weight Management Skript.

    Client Manager is also Compatible With Luckyperms, Groupmanager and Pex

    With Client Manager Skript installed you will get no lag and have the ability to set ranks from

    Builder, helper, Mod, Senior mod, Admin, Manager, developer and Owner.

    We've also added a Custom Heart Rank!



    Client Manager Command list!

    - /rank - Have a Look at the Premade ranks

    - /rank <player> <rank> - Set a Rank to the Player



    Client Manager Permission list

    - perm.updaterank

    thats it. You must create your own permissions within

    your rank manager From our list



    Client Manager Pex

    Client Manager GM (Group Manager)

    Client Manager LP (Luck Perms)

    By - XXXCanadian

    Cool skript 👌

  4. 1 hour ago, Harry said:

    Hello peeps nice to meet you all, iv'e been playing Minecraft for many years thought i'd  start my own uhc server so if any of you peeps are on UK time and want to play in the near future just leave me a message and i'll send you a discord invite later dudes 

    Nice to meet ya, Harry!

  5. 1 hour ago, NMGMath said:

    Im having trouble with commands

    if you have the world guard plugin, you need to give them a permission node. Not sure if there's a specific node for building, but worldgaurd.* is the admin perm. 


    Please elaborate more on what you're having issues with.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Vane said:

    It is on there but its one version behind. BagOfGold still stays on my suggestions 🙂

    I like that plugin, cool plugin for Survival servers

  7. 55 minutes ago, Vane said:

    MobHunting, get rewarded from killing mobs https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mobhunting.3582/

    BagOfGold (drops bag of gold when someone killed a mob, this is linked with MobHunting) https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/bagofgold.49332/

    OreCrops (Plant and grow your very own orecrops) https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/orecrops-1-13-1-14-plugin.68205/

    AdvancedOreGenerator (Because CustomOreGen hasn't updated) https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/advancedoregenerator.51153/

    All work on 1.14.x

    Isn't MobHunting already a plugin on Minehut?


  8. 1 hour ago, TheAwesomeShark said:

    it wont let me join the minehut servers because it is not associated with minecraft 

    Uh, could you elaborate more on what's going on? This is very vague.

  9. 1 hour ago, _C02 said:

    Let's find out how long you've been here!


    Say something about Minehut that's happened in the past and see if people remember it!



    Do you remember when Minehut had an official Parkour server?

    Anybody remember when Minehut had a server outage and Luuke opened a survival world to keep everyone busy 😂

  10. 22 minutes ago, Nomadicninja said:

    So I am new to this, but I was wanting know is there is a way to keep the server running all the time? If you know I whould like some help 

    The only way to keep a server running 24/7 is if you afk on the server without disconnecting. However, i wouldn't suggest doing so, keeping your server online for a long period of time could cause a massive amount of lag. If you were to do anything involving it being up 24/7, make sure you have a restart periodically.

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1
  11. How to make a bot with Skript!

    Ever since Vixio was added to Minehut, not a lot of people, that I've seen, have been using it. Vixio is a skript addon that lets you fully setup, and launch a bot for your server. The steps aren't too hard, but they can get a little tricky. It's not a lot different than making one with Javascript. Make sure your server is fully stopped, and make sure Vixio is actually installed (Sounds dumb, but i forget to install it every time).


    1. First, what you need to do is setup your bot. Create your bot Here. From here, click "New Application", as shown in the image below.


    After this, you will need to name your bot, you may choose any name, but just know, mine's better.


    After you have chosen a name for your bot, click "Create". This will then take you to your application page. From here, click the "Bot" category on the left side of the page.


    After this, it should ask if you would like to, "BUILD-A-BOT", from here, click "Add Bot", and then "Yes, Do it!"


    There ya go, you created a discord bot! However, you are only half way done. You still need to get this bot online. 


    Getting the bot online

    Getting the bot online isn't too hard. Just make sure you don't show anyone your bot token. This could lead to some things that you really don't want to get into. Below the name of the bot, there should be a blue text saying "Click to Reveal Token". Copy this token!


    After you have copied the bot token, this is where you start writing your skript. 


    on skript load:
       login to "TOKEN" with name "NAME"

    After this, invite your bot to the discord server you want it in. Do this by getting your Client_Id. Your Client_Id should be located where the bot token was.



    After this is copied, paste your Client_ID into this link, replacing the X's. https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=XXXXXXXXX&scope=bot&permissions=0and

    This is what it should look like, 


    Click, "Authorize". 

    Complete the captcha, and check your discord for the bot.


    After this is completed, restart your server, and there ya go. You just created a bot with skript. No code needed, + the skript is 2 lines! 

    Note, that this isn't EVERYTHING, Vixio offers. Sure it got your bot online, but you can also link your variables, events, commands, etc to your bot. You can create a variety of cool things with this. For my server, Multiples, i created a report system. You type "/report (reason)", into Minecraft, afterwards, it logs it into a discord channel, where the staff members can handle it through there. This makes it so the staff team has a log of the reports on Discord. 

    Report prompt:


    Report Message:


    Discord Message:


    The reaction will check if the report was handled or not!


    Hope you enjoyed the Vixio tutorial, if this helped you, be a kind soul and react to the post! 

    If you want to learn how to make bot commands, I will be making another tutorial on that, so keep an eye out!

    • Like 5
  12. 53 minutes ago, Lotix said:

    Hi, I'm Lotix or Diddyz, some information about me include:

    - I have been playing Minehut for a year or 2 now.

    I am a donator, PRO in specific

    I enjoy playing and skripting Prison related servers

    I am currently a Warzone JR.MOD

    Ok, have a great day!

    How's it goin', Lotix o/

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