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Everything posted by Macky

  1. Hello. So I would like a Skript that when u right click a sign it resets a mine using MRL First Line: &c&l[RoyalMinez] Second Line: &bRight-Click Third Line: &bReset The Mine Fourth Line: &c&l[RoyalMinez] Command: "mrl reset s2stone-mine -s" If you can get this working for me that would be greatly apricated.
  2. If anyone could make me a Gen Skript with almost everything I have listed below I would really Appreciate it. - /sell - Whenever you /sell can you make it so it puts the money in the balance using the Vault Plugin. (if that made any sense) - A GenCap at 20 Gens - Every 100 Ticks it drops the Item - Shift + Right Click - To Upgrade the Gen - Left Click the Gen and it instantly breaks. - A Custom msg When you /sell & A Custom msg when you hit you Gen Cap --Then All That-- Wheat Generator - $5 - named "&eWheat Generator" - $2500 To Upgrade Melon Generator - $10 - named "&eMelon Generator" - $6000 To Upgrade Pumpkin Generator - $20 - named "&ePumkin Generator" - $15000 To Upgrade Coal Generator - $35 - named "&eCoal Generator" - $30000 To Upgrade Iron Generator - $50 - named "&eIron Generator" - $60000 To Upgrade Gold Generator - $75 - named "&eGold Generator" - $100000 To Upgrade Redstone Generator - $100 - named "&eRedstone Generator" - $120000 To Upgrade Lapis Generator - $150 - named "&eLapis Generator" - $200000 To Upgrade Diamond Generator - $200 - named "&eDiamond Generator" - $400000 To Upgrade Emerald Generator - $300 - named "&eEmerald Generator" - $600000 To Upgrade
  3. I would like to know if its possible to make a Crates Skript with all the stuff down below without any Addons. What I would like in the Crates Skript if possible: - All the Basics for a Crate Skript - /crate key <cratename> <playername> = Give the Player the Specific Crate Key - /crate list = List's all the Current Crates - I want to be able to Left Click the Crate and It will show you all the items in it. And possibly a Lore with the Change of the Item. (left click while in Survival) - If you dont have the right Key it will Send a msg in chat to the player and say "&cYou need a &f<crate key name> &cKey for this Crate!" - Push the Player backwards at speed like 0.75 or whatever you think is best. - And make the Skript work all without any Addons
  4. So I was wondering if it was possible to make a /nether command that when you type it, it executes this command and teleports the player. /nether - Then it teleports you to that location below. /execute in the_nether run tp %player% -103 101 25 I don't know if this is possible I just hope someone can figure it out for me.
  5. I was wondering if it was possible to make a Skript that when you Right Click a Lime Green Shulker Box with 30 exp levels or up it will give you Lime Green Dye named "&a&lXp Token" and it has a 20% chance to give 3 "&a&lXp Token" 30% chance 2 "&a&lXp Token" 50% chance 1 "&a&lXp Token" When you Right Click the Shulker Box make it take away your exp levels randomly like 1, 3, 4, 10 etc. Whatever you think is best. Also is there any way that someone can left click it and they can view the lime dye with the chances of the lime dye as the lore? And is there anyway to add a permission so someone can right click and left click the shulker in a world guarded area?
  6. I was wondering if there was any way to make a prestige voucher skript. So when you right click the piece of paper it makes console execute a command and it broadcasts in chat to everyone that player has prestiged and there prestige number. And it also adds like a prestige point. For example when you get 5 you can access a new warp 10 15 etc.
  7. That is what I'm looking for is there also any way that someone can left click it and they can view the lime dye with the chances of the lime dye as the lore? And is there anyway to add a permission so someone can right click the shulker in a world guarded area?
  8. I was wondering if it was possible to make a Skript that when you Right Click a Lime Green Shulker Box with 30 exp levels or up it will give you Lime Green Dye named "&a&lXp Token" and it has a 20% chance to give 3 "&a&lXp Token" 30% chance 2 "&a&lXp Token" 50% chance 1 "&a&lXp Token" When you Right Click the Shulker Box make it take away your exp levels randomly like 1, 3, 4, 10 etc. Whatever you think is best.
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