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Everything posted by Certy

  1. Certy


    Since its hard to do it in scoreboard and its easier to do in game here is a playtime skript options: command: playtime # Default command /playtime permission: playtime.use # Access to all commands prefix: &8[&b&lPlaytime&8] # Prefix on chat messages variables: {second::%player%} = 0 {minute::%player%} = 0 {hour::%player%} = 0 every second: loop all players: add 1 to {second::%loop-player%} if {second::%loop-player%} is 60: subtract 60 from {second::%loop-player%} add 1 to {minute::%loop-player%} if {minute::%loop-player%} is 60: subtract 60 from {minute::%loop-player%} add 1 to {hour::%loop-player%} command /{@command} [<offline player>]: permission: {@permission} trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "{@prefix} &7Your play time is %{hour::%player%}% hours %{minute::%player%}% minutes" stop if arg 1 is set: if arg 1 is "top": loop {hour::*}: add 1 to {_size} if {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value%} is not set: set {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value%} to loop-index else: set {_n} to 0 loop {_size} times: set {_n} to {_n}+1 {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value-1%.%{_n}%} is not set set {_low.to.high.list::%loop-value-1%.%{_n}%} to loop-index stop loop wait 1 tick set {_n} to size of {_low.to.high.list::*} loop {_low.to.high.list::*}: set {_high.to.low.list::%{_n}%} to loop-value set {_n} to {_n}-1 wait 1 tick message "&m------------&r &6&lPlaytime &nTop 10&r &m------------" loop {_high.to.low.list::*}: add 1 to {_result} send "&b%loop-value%&7: &e%{hour::%loop-value%}% hours" if {_result} is 10: stop else: if {days.%arg 1%} is not set: set {days.%arg 1%} to 0 if {hour::%arg 1%} is not set: set {hour::%arg 1%} to 0 if {minute::%arg 1%} is not set: set {minute::%arg 1%} to 0 send "{@prefix} &e%arg 1%&7's play time is %{hour::%arg 1%}% hours %{minute::%arg 1%}% minutes" stop
  2. _tARNA_ im confuzed cuz schematic skript dosent work on minehut its 1.12 and there is no info saying on how to use it.
  3. Certy


    I can skript basic stuff nothing complex. If you want something basic ill do it for free. [I cant guarantee I can do it for everyone]
  4. you still exist or make skripts

  5. yo i rlly need a skyblock skript im willing to pay. just one that makes the island and few island addons no shop needed. my discord is Lukes#1000 if you want to contact me
  6. Certy


    Here you can just talk about anything any racism/slander. Will be removed 3 warnings = club ban.
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