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  1. this is what i have, but i want to enchant the items, i tryed much things but i cant find out how it works. on right click: if player is holding paper named "&eKits": open chest with 1 rows named "&2Kits" to player format gui slot 0 of player with diamond sword named "§6Beast" with lore "&7- &eDiamond sword" and "&7- &eDiamond armor" to run: open chest with 1 rows named "&eTeleport" to player format gui slot 0 of player with oak stair named "§6Spiral Staircase" to run: teleport player to location at 13.500, 25, 72.500 in world "pvp" clear inventory of player wait 1 tick set slot 0 of player's inventory to diamond axe set slot 1 of player's inventory to wooden sword set slot 38 of player's inventory to diamond chestplate #chestplate set slot 37 of player's inventory to diamond leggings #leggings set slot 36 of player's inventory to diamond boots #boots wait 2 ticks enchant slot 0 of current inventory of player with sharpness 1 enchant slot 1 of current inventory of player with knockback 1 enchant slot 38 of current inventory of player with protection 1 #chestplate enchant slot 37 of current inventory of player with protection 1 #leggings enchant slot 36 of current inventory of player with protection 1 #boots it doesn't give errors but it just doesn't work
  2. can you also do it for all the players online on the server? so: add 200 balance to all player's. or some
  4. yeah i use TuSKe, but if i reload the skript i get an error
  5. so what do i have to set it to?
  6. command /bank: permission: op permission message: "&4This command is'nt ready yet." trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "BANK" to player format gui slot 0 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 1 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 2 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 3 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 4 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 5 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 6 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 7 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 8 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 9 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 10 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 11 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 13 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 15 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 16 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 17 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 18 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 19 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 20 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 21 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 22 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 23 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 24 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 25 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 26 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 12 of player with chest named "&bBank" with lore "&6Bank your ores" to run: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "BANK" to player format gui slot 13 of player with diamond named "§b1 Diamond" with lore "§6(amount)" to run: add 200 to player's essentials balance format gui slot 14 of player with dispenser named "&4UnBank" with lore "&6UnBank your ores" to run: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "UNBANK" to player format gui slot 13 of player with diamond named "§b1 Diamond" with lore "§6(amount)" to run:
  7. it doesnt give me an arror or some, but it doesnt add my balance do i don't get errors it says it would work but it doesnt add 200 balance
  8. yeah i have the plugin EssentialsX installed and i use it for other stuf to. but it still doesnt work
  9. but i need essentials, is there an other way to do it with essentials
  10. yea that works but if i do /balance it didn't add 200 to my balance
  11. hey, thanks for helping and commenting i tried it and it didn't gave an error but i doesnt work for no reason. command /bank: permission: op permission message: "&4This command is'nt ready yet." trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "BANK" to player format gui slot 12 of player with chest named "&bBank" with lore "&6Bank your ores" to run: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "BANK" to player format gui slot 13 of player with diamond named "§b1 Diamond" with lore "§6(amount)" to run: add 200 to {balances::%player's uuid%} format gui slot 14 of player with dispenser named "&4UnBank" with lore "&6UnBank your ores" to run: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "UNBANK" to player format gui slot 13 of player with diamond named "§b1 Diamond" with lore "§6(amount)" to run:
  12. command /bank: permission: op permission message: "&4This command is'nt ready yet." trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "BANK" to player format gui slot 0 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 1 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 2 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 3 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 4 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 5 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 6 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 7 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 8 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 9 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 10 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 11 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 13 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 15 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 16 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 17 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 18 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 19 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 20 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 21 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 22 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 23 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 24 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 25 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 26 of player with orange stained glass pane named "§6[]" with lore "§6[]" format gui slot 12 of player with chest named "&bBank" with lore "&6Bank your ores" to run: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "BANK" to player format gui slot 13 of player with diamond named "§b1 Diamond" with lore "§6(amount)" to run: add 200 to {balances::%event-offlineplayer's uuid%} message "You got 200 balance and banked 1 diamond" format gui slot 14 of player with dispenser named "&4UnBank" with lore "&6UnBank your ores" to run: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "UNBANK" to player format gui slot 13 of player with diamond named "§b1 Diamond" with lore "§6(amount)" to run:
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