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Everything posted by Outroop

  1. A skript that is a fishing rod and when you use it on someone with armor it takes that armor off one by one kinda like the on in insane craft. if you ever make it dm me on discord crazyandrew612#0001
  2. I wanna request to update the CCTV plugin https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/security-camera-plugin-cctv.60310/
  3. I wanna request to update the CCTV Plugin, it doesnt work for my version 1.16.1 https://gyazo.com/e545d9c5ca2392765c5d27fc321e0c7b
  4. 1. Outroop 2. crazyandrew612#8970 3. 14 4. EDT 5. My grammar is really good and I think I would fit in this game good as a mod or whatever, because I can manage hackers really well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. I can put in almost 5 hours a day. 6. I want to apply because there were many hackers when I joined, but no staff, I was pretty mad and everybody else was too, so I wanted to apply so that cant happen again. 7. No I recently joined but I can probably become good friends with them. Some servers I have been staff 1 is named FlazePvP I was the developer there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. I would continue watching them, if they are flying and getting a high kill streak I would know they are hacking. 10. I would contact a higher rank then them to get them demoted or fired. 11. I would mute them, if another comes on, ill ip ban both (if not possible to ip ban ill just ban them) 12. I would warn them if it was a simple think like cursing, but if they were spamming I would temp mute them. 13. I would temp mute them for around 1 day for being rude to staff members.
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