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Posts posted by Minipixel

  1. Hello @KingJacob105 ( @FinnDog12786),

    You may have plugins that affect how BetterNicks work. Make sure if you have Skript your checking the errors to see if the current skript is affecting your plugins. Also, it may not be up to date so if you have have a plugin interfering with how BetterNicks work take a look and see what you can do to work around it. Or, you might need to wait for a Plugin Update


  2. Hello @Phuc_Daniel


    I can't really answer much because you haven't but much detail into your issue. However, Modified Clients are allowed on Minehut as long as you respect the rules of other players server's. Some servers have anti cheats that block Modified Clients so if you're trying to use one on your server make sure you're oped, with anti-cheat off or trust yourself with the command corresponding with your anti-cheat. Also, if you're downloading them I suggest you be more careful.

    If this is not helping your question please reply to me with more detail on your issue/question and I'll get back to this thread and see if I did any good. Thank you and have a Good Day!

  3. Hello @Ankh,

    This is a Support Forums for Minehut Support only, If you need help with anything Minehut related it is to be posted here, If you have questions on free services which is not of Minehut I suggest checking other websites that fulfill the support you need. However, we do not allow custom plugins to be added to servers, nor plugins outside of Minehut for copyright reasons and safety of players.

    Feel free to reply if you have any questions or concerns.

  4. Hello @brobie1kanobi

    If you are talking about a box that you could fold and unfold into forum posts I suggest using the Spoiler feature. Everyone clicks on those, for example click the box below to unfold and re click to fold.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc,


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  5. Hello @FlyingSnekCannon,

    As of Minecraft Dev version 1.4.2, mobs have the ability to travel through portals.

    • Added new Full-screen toggle to the Video settings.
    • Added new use Vsync toggle in the Video settings.
    • Improved maps
    • Maps now align to a grid, making it easier to create adjacent maps.
    • A compass and paper do now create an empty map
    • An empty map has no data on it until you right click on it. The point on your world - - - where you right clicked it is the map's center
    • A map (with data) can be cloned. Cloned maps are stackable
    • Maps can be zoomed out (but not zoomed in)
    • Stairs now auto-arrange into corners. This is a test and may change based on feedback.
    • Mobs (and all other entities) can travel through portals.
    • Fire charges shot from a dispenser or a Blaze create the "fireball" sound effect. Leather armor can be dyed.

    Thus to answer your questions above:

    Can creatures from the Nether come through a portal?

    Yes, they can. This now applies to all mob entities, including the Wither and Enderdragon bosses.

    Is it safe to build a portal in the open, or should it be surrounded in a cobblestone hut to prevent unwanted travelers?

    Depends on how you are playing your game (ie game difficulty)

    Can regular creatures use the portal to enter the Nether, or can I use it to evade them?

    You will not be able to travel through the portal instantaneously, but mobs can. Also, the player now can go through the nether quicker, as of 12w38a. As for mob behavior, they do not chase you into the portals. They may wander into the portals, but not by following the player.




  6. Hello @p66,


    If what @xMuelsaid wasn't resolving your issue there is a way to fix it. Read the warning below before following the steps listed below this message. 

    Open up your Minehut Server Panel, once at the main page go ahead and click on Danger Zone, once there you should see 3 Options. One is Force Stop, the second one is Reset Server, the 3rd one is Repair Files, that is the one you click. 

    I'm not at fault for any server loss, or build loss. I do suggest downloading your world. If you need help throughout this process feel free to add my discord at Dussk#3078 and link this thread to me.

  7. Hello @Origami_CL


    Is it possible that you have a skript that's disabling them or disabled them via essentials I don't know how they disable through essentials but Some people have done it. Also, type /cp inside your Minehut Server and click on the the icons until you find a menu you of all the buckets, An operator may have disabled a Mob Spawn bucket inside the control panel so I suggest you check.

  8. On 9/4/2019 at 5:26 AM, Fob823 said:

    trust me i have watched the video over 10 times, but i think it might be a problem in a file inside the resourcepack.

    Hey @Fob823,


    If you think that is the case then I suggest you find a different pack. If this is still not working for you I'd be happy to talk to you over Discord, Add me at Dussk#3078 and provide a link of your thread, I don't need access to anything just going to guide you through it.


    Hello @Anothuor,


    Server loss can come from failure to save the world prior to the server shutting down. This can be fixed by getting a skript with auto save or /save-all before logging out of your server as this can save the latest thing you've done to your server. Failure to do so may result in rollback. So, before you shut the server down or leave it unattended with 0 players online type "/save-all"



    TLDR; /save-all before you log-off


  9. Hello @DontRezzMe,


    By default everyone has permission to view a servers plugins, A lot of server owners revoke this privilege due to safety and copy reasons. I do suggest always blocking the command for normal members as it puts your server at risk of getting copies of wannabe's etc. Also, the message is quite explanatory. You need to have permissions to access the command, Or you have to have op given from an Administrator, Manager, Or Owner.

  10. Hello @hedgehoghijinx,

    Minehut servers can be remotely started to anyone who types "/join {servername}" As long as they are white-listed if that's on, and not banned. I do /server to get into servers like "/server beans" If the server is offline and you try to do that command it will say the server can't be found. So make sure to tell your friends to do /join and make sure they have access to the server to a sense of if it's whitelist make sure they're whitelisted and if they're banned because you guys are trolling that you can unban him otherwise you guys will be just fine.



    TLDR; Make them do /join {servername}


  11. Hello @jamesvan300,


    It seems to me that you are trying to host the server from your computer. Minehut servers are hosted online from their host. If you are implying that in the file section you didn't get a file and it is failing to start I would recommend a reset on your server. But as I said before you can't host your server from your network on your computer minehut has their own unique ways to host your server.

  12. Hello @Nutterie,


    To my knowledge based on what you've stated you only use the basic commands for essentials correct? If this is true make sure you don't have excess plugins that you have installed for other times and plan ahead for that as Minehut Player Servers have limited ram which can be upgraded with credits by purchasing player slots. If you only have the essentials plugin maybe you have done something to the world that causes major lag like multiple piles of dropped loot, or something that seems a bit extreme. Those are some possibilities of the lag from your server.

  13. Hello @Popart,

    I'm not aware of Minehut reaching max server capacity recently so this may be a plugin or a file issue. If you are seeing unknown or unused skripts or plugins on your server remove them until deemed necessary. If you are unsure of what may be wrong with your issue follow the steps listed below. 

    I am not at fault for any damaged file, Server loss, or any loss valuable item/thing, or build upon repairing files. This may cause server loss. I suggest downloading your world, and making sure you can safe important configs. Please do not show hateful comments. I'm just a Forums Support Member. 

    From the main panel you can see the lowest tab, It's called "Danger Zone" Once you click on that tab you may see the following options, "Force Stop" Don't click this it Immediately stops your server and puts it into hibernation. Next to it you'll see "Reset Server" DO NOT  Click that for this issue it completely deletes and resets your entire server. What you are looking for is "Repair Files" it repairs core files that are preventing the server from starting. This should fix your issue if not please reply for further support!


    If you have any questions or statements feel free to reply to my message.

  14. Hello @Avrox,


    Yes, when players are sending too many packets this may happen. It can happen from low internet speed, and connection. If you are experiencing high ping or excessive packets it may be because you are on a Modified Client such as Forged, Jigsaw, any client that isn't an normal Minecraft version. If you are on original Minecraft you may have other siblings or are taking up the internet speed, or your router is being slow. You may try to close all you un-used background apps and maybe reset your router if needed. If you are living with other people I suggest making sure they're ready for you to reset it before someone gets upset.


    If you have any questions or statements feel free to reply.

  15. Hello @Asmatic_Rice,


    Ignore the reply above because you do not have to be online whilst trying to op a player. What you described to my understanding is that you are trying to op yourself in game while you are not oped. Only players with op may op and deop other people be wise when giving this to the player. While trying to op yourself make sure you are doing it from the Minehut Console from the panel on the forums. Another reason this may not work is if you are doing it in the console try both with the "/" and without the "/" because to my understanding consoles do not accept the "/".


    Feel free to reply with any questions or statements.

  16. Hello @Monkeyz,

    The server version is always updated some time after a new version of Minecraft is release so Minehut stays up to date with all their servers. Some solutions there is to solve your issue is your friend isn't on the current version for Minehut servers. If he is not and he likes his version I suggest downloading a plugin called "Protocol Support" this allows other players to connect to your Minehut server from previous versions. This also may affect other plugins on your server or known skripts that you may use. 

    Any questions feel free to tag me with a reply or a quote! Have a good day.

  17. Hello, @ConvolutedSoul!

    You may white-list it but if you also don't want players to even be aware of your server's existence you may follow the steps listed below!


    From the Minehut Panel you see the tab named "Server Appearance" click on this and below the server name you see Server"Visibility Choose if your server is visible to the community." It's naturally on Visible but you can change it to unlisted and it wont appear on the server browser! Reply if this situation solved your issue and glad to help at anytime!

    I do suggest white-listing because if someone ever betrays you they will still have access to the server if they remember the name. So unlist and white-list if you need help on white-listing click HERE

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  18. On 8/23/2019 at 11:47 AM, Fob823 said:

    So im trying to upload a custom texture pack to my server, and its not working, its a zip i use dropbox dl=1 no duplicate files in the folder and ive tried file.io and its still not working it loads ingame but dosen't seem to work, keep in mind i have tried to fix this for 4 days, please help me.

    Hello, @Fob823!

    Please watch this tutorial on how to Install a custom resource pack on Minehut!


  19. 13 hours ago, MCplyr said:

    question , why isnt my server goin online when we were just playing a moment ago? 

    pls help asap


    Hello, @MCplyr!

    As Spud said above we may have been at max capacity! But, if your issue is still ongoing you can try to do these following steps. If Isn't you can go ahead and ignore this and comment with a quote stating that the issue is discontinued. 

    From the main panel you can see the lowest tab, It's called "Danger Zone" Once you click on that tab you may see the following options, "Force Stop" Don't click this it Immediately stops your server and puts it into hibernation. Next to it you'll see "Reset Server" DO NOT  Click that for this issue it completely deletes and resets your entire server. What you are looking for is "Repair Files" it repairs core files that are preventing the server from starting. This should fix your issue if not please reply for further support!

    I am not at fault for any damaged file, Server loss, or any loss valuable item/thing, or build upon repairing files. This may cause server loss. I suggest downloading your world, and making sure you can safe important configs. Please do not show hateful comments. I'm just a Forums Support Member.

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