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Posts posted by BOXEY

  1. hello i am trying to make a crates thing

    if click action is right mouse button:
    	send "a"
    if click action is left mouse button:

    this is giving me the error


  2. 11 minutes ago, StarBunnie said:

    A server network is the same thing as Minehut itself. I think what they mean by it is you can connect multiple server of yours to another. Quite a while back it was possible with a portal plugin to send people from one of your servers to another. Seems like they made it possible again with the release of unleashed.

    ooo so you could have like a hub server that sends someone to the normal server when it is open


  3. when i set a block to a banner it is facing the wrong way so how can i set it so the original diction that is was



    on place:
    	if player has permission "flag.place":
    		cancel event
    on right click:
    	if event-block is red banner:
    		if {redteam.%player%} is set:
    			send "&c&lFlags &8| &7You can't capture your own flag"
    			if {rfc} is set:
    				send "&c&lFlags &8| &7You can't capture a flag that was already captured - 0_0"
    				set {redloc} to event-location
    				set block at event-location to air
    				send action bar "&c&lFlags &8| &7You captured the &cRed Flag" to player
    				broadcast "&c&lFlags &8| &cRed Flag &7captured"
    				set {rfc} to true
    				set {hf.%player%} to true
    on right click:
    	if event-block is dropper:
    		cancel event
    		if {rfc} is set:
    			if {hf.%player%} is set:
    				set block at {redloc} to red banner
    				delete {rfc}
    				delete {hf.%player%}
    				add 1 to {red.points}
    				send "&c&lFlags &8| &7You need a flag dum but - 0_o"
    			send "&c&lFlags &8| &7BRO THE FLAG YOU NEED TO GET THE FLAG - 0_oo"


  4. i have seen a lot of prefix's and stuff with like a color fade that is with colors you cant get normally and I do my ranks via skript so how can i make the prefix's to like a color fade

  5. 2 hours ago, ItsKirby said:

    Could you maybe create a queue system? Command /queue will allow the players to join a queue, then if there is a minimum amount of players in the queue, etc will happen (i just need the queue system to create something)

    I believe that on the minehut YouTube there is a video of them making a queue system

  6. Link:

    Air Drops - Pastebin.com

    plugins I have:


    I made some air drops that you can customize the loot and stuff like that

     to edit most of the basic things you can just use the options at the top

    	p: crates.use
    	pm: &cHey!&7 You cant manage the crates
    	min-x: -250
    	max-x: 380
    	min-z: -250
    	max-z: 380 
    	cooldown: 2 minutes 30 seconds

    the min cords should always be a negative and the max will always be a positive number

    you can edit the cool down to make they come in faster or slower


    it is very important to edit the world that they spawn in so it would most likely be 

    every {@cooldown} in world "world"



    when you do "/crates addloot" it will open the loot menu.

    To get to the loot list menu you have to click on the paper not the sign!pic4.png.0e315249e5a3950927a84ffc9175bc53.png





  7. I had the same problem and now I have an answer

    here is la code

    command test:
    		open sign gui to player with lines "ads", "", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", and "Thingy":
    			set {_a} to 2nd element out of lines




    you can find most things here:

    Skript Hub - Documentation


    • Thanks 1
  8. i spent so time on this because my server is in beta mode rn and I need a more customizable whitelist menu


    her is the code 


    on chat:
    		set the chat format to "%player's prefix%&8| &7%player% %{bprefix::%uuid of player%}%7&ᐅ&r %message%"
    	prefix: &7&k||| Server &7&k||| 
    	server: &7&k||| Server &7&k||| 
    command beta [<text>] [<offline player>]:
    	permission: beta.give
    	permission message: &cHey!&7 you cant do this.
    		if arg-1 is "add":
    			if arg-2 is set:
    				if {list::*} does not contain arg-2:
    					set {bprefix::%uuid of arg-2%} to "&8| &b&lBETA "
    					send action bar "{@prefix} &7You have been added to the &cBETA" to arg-2
    					send "{@prefix} &7You have added &a%arg-2%&7 to the &cBETA" to player
    					add arg-2 to {list::*}
    					send "{@prefix} &7You have already add this player to the &cBETA&7 list" to player
    				send "{@prefix} &7Please name a player to add to the &cBETA" to player
    		if arg-1 is "remove":
    			if arg-2 is set:
    				if {list::*} does not contain arg-2:
    					send "{@prefix} &7This player is not on the &cBETA&7 list" to player
    					set {bprefix::%uuid of arg-2%} to "&7"
    					send action bar "{@prefix} &7You have been removed from the &cBETA" to arg-2
    					send "{@prefix} &7You have removed &a%arg-2%&7 to the &cBETA" to player
    					remove arg-2 from {list::*}
    				send "{@prefix} &7Please name a player to add to the &cBETA" to player
    		if arg-1 is "on":
    			if {beta} is set:
    				send action bar "{@prefix} &7The server is already in &cBETA&7 mode!" to player
    				set {beta} to false
    				send action bar "{@prefix} &7The server is now in &cBETA&7 mode!" to player
    		if arg-1 is "off":
    			if {beta} is not set:
    				send action bar "{@prefix} &7The server is already not in &cBETA&7 mode!" to player
    				delete {beta}
    				send action bar "{@prefix} &7The server is not longer in &cBETA&7 mode!" to player
    		if arg-1 is "help":
    			send "&7----------------------==&cBETA&7==----------------------"
    			send "&7"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta help &8| &7Shows this menu!"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta add (player) &8| &7Adds a player to &cBETA"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta remove (player) &8| &7Removes a player from the &cBETA"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta on &8| &7Turns &cBETA&7 on"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta off &8| &7Turns &cBETA&7 off"
    			send "&7"
    			send "&7----------------------==&cBETA&7==----------------------"
    		if arg-1 is not set:
    			send "&7----------------------==&cBETA&7==----------------------"
    			send "&7"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta help &8| &7Shows this menu!"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta add (player) &8| &7Adds a player to &cBETA"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta remove (player) &8| &7Removes a player from the &cBETA"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta on &8| &7Turns &cBETA&7 on"
    			send "&3 - &7/beta off &8| &7Turns &cBETA&7 off"
    			send "&7"
    			send "&7----------------------==&cBETA&7==----------------------"
    		if arg-1 is "list":
    			send "{@prefix} &7Open beta list" to player
    			wait 1 tick
    on join:
    	if {beta} is set:
    		set {_p} to player
    		if {list::*} does not contain {_p}:
    			remove 1 from {total}
    			kick the player due to "{@prefix} &7You are not on the &cBETA&7 list!"
    			send action bar "&7Welcom back to {@server}" to player
    function beta(p: player):
    	open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&3&lBeta&8 | &7List" to {_p}
    	set {_n} to 0
    	if {list::*} is set:
    		loop {list::*}:
    			format gui slot {_n} of {_p} with ("%loop-value%" parsed as offline player)'s skull with no nbt named "&3%loop-value%" with lore "&7Remove with &c/beta remove %loop-value%"
    			add 1 to {_n}
    			if {_n} = 53:
    				stop loop
    		format gui slot 0 of {_p} with paper with no nbt named "&7None." with lore "&7There is currently nobody on the &cBETA&7 list." to do nothing
    	format gui slot 53 of {_p} with empty map with no nbt named "&6Clear Beta list" to run:
    		close player's inventory
    		delete {list::*}



    /Beta command - Pastebin.com

  9. 29 minutes ago, Boxmonkey said:

    I am making a skript and i need to know how i can make a item in the gui for it and make it a player name in a list

    nvm I used a old report skript in my other server

    here's the code


    command list:
    		send "{@prefix} &7Opening list" to player
    		wait 1 tick
    function list(p: player):
    	open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&3&lList&8 | &7List" to {_p}
    	set {_n} to 0
    	if {list::*} is set:
    		loop {list::*}:
    			format gui slot {_n} of {_p} with ("%loop-value%" parsed as offline player)'s skull with no nbt named "&3%loop-value%"
    			add 1 to {_n}
    			if {_n} = 53:
    				stop loop
    		format gui slot 0 of {_p} with paper with no nbt named "&7None." with lore "&7Currently there is noboby on the list." to do nothing
    	format gui slot 53 of {_p} with empty map with no nbt named "&6Clear list" to run:
    		close player's inventory
    		delete {list::*}


  10. 2 hours ago, aashumc said:

    when i read this I was like "wtf is a ping skript" now when i look at the skript its simple but helpful but iw as wondering if u can make it put an actionbar or screen title for the player who got pinged or will that need a add on.. thanks!

    i think by doing this it will work


    on chat:
       loop all players:
          if message contains "%loop-player%":
             play sound "block.note_block.flute" to loop-player
             send action bar "&c&l%player% &7has pinged you in chat." to loop-player
             send action bar"&7You have pinged &c&l%loop-player%" to player


  11. I was thinking how I can set a mined block to a random block that is in a list of blocks like this



    	{list1) = dirt, grass_block, ect.
    on mine of block:
    	if player has permisson "playa":
    		set event-block to random item in {list1}


    "idk if this code works just made on the fly"

  12. I don't know if anyone even will look at this and think it is cool, but it just spawns a animal that you put it with a custom level and name


    	permission: mobs.spawn
    	pm: &cHey,&7 you cant do that
    	prefix: &7&k||| [Server] &7&k||| &7
    command mob [<text>] [<integer>] [<text>] [<integer>]:
    	permission: {@permission}
    	permission message: {@pm}
    	usage: /spawn (mob) (level) (name) (amount)
    		if arg-1 is not set:
    			send "{@prefix} Please enter a mob" to player
    		if arg-2 is not set:
    			send "{@prefix} Please Enter a level for the mob" to player
    		if arg-3 is not set:
    			send "{@prefix} Please enter a name for the mob" to player
    		if arg-4 is not set:
    			send "{@prefix} Please enter a amount to spawn" to player
    			send "{@prefix} Summoning %arg-4%&7 Mob(s) of:"
    			wait 15 ticks
    			send "&7Mob: %arg-1%"
    			set {mob} to ("%arg-1%" parsed as entitytype)
    			wait 15 ticks
    			send "&7Level: %arg-2%"
    			set {lvl::%uuid of player%} to arg-2
    			wait 15 ticks
    			send "&7Name: %arg-3%"
    			set {name::%uuid of player%} to arg-3
    			wait 15 ticks
    			send "{@prefix} At your location"
    			send "{@prefix} Your &c%arg-1% &7is getting ready to spawn"
    			wait 15 ticks
    			loop arg-4 times:
    				spawn {mob} at location of player
    				set display name of last spawned entity to "&8&k[ &3%arg-2% &8&k]&b %arg-3%"
    				set max health of last spawned entity to arg-2 * 2




    um yea 

  13. I think that the {_DropType} is the item that will be dropped, so I think you can just add the lore to the item before you set it to the variable, and spawn it


    im dong this on a phone so sorry if it doesn’t make the best sense 

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, The_Pr007 said:

    I require a skript that doesn't allow non-op players to place barriers, bedrock, structure void. is that possible???

    I don't know this will work for you but here is what I made

    you can change the options to better fit your server or the permmison

      permission: block.admin
      noperm: &cHey, &7you cant do that
      prefix:  &7&k[[ &bBlock &7&k[[ &7
    on place of barrier:
    	if player has permission "{@permission}":
    		send "{@prefix}{@noperm}"
    on place of bedrock:
    	if player has permission "{@permission}":
    		send "{@prefix}{@noperm}"
    on place of structure void:
    	if player has permission "{@permission}":
    		send "{@prefix}{@noperm}"


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