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Posts posted by Swala_


    Go to the link of whatever club you wish to leave. I don't know which one you want to leave, so I'll provide the links for every club you're in:

    Warzone: https://forums.minehut.com/clubs/23-warzone/

    Juice WRLD: https://forums.minehut.com/clubs/56-juice-wrld/

    Skript: https://forums.minehut.com/clubs/206-skript/

    Minehut Events: https://forums.minehut.com/clubs/55-minehut-events/


    Once you're on the club's page, look to the bottom right of their banner for the Leave Club button. I'll use the Warzone Club as an example of what this looks like.


    Hit Leave Club, then Ok, and you should be good to go!


    I noticed you're not in a club you own, so my apologies for the unneeded ping if you needed to delete a club you owned and you've already finished this, however for future reference, there's really no need to delete a club you own merely because you've changed your server's type. You can simply just renevate it to fit the server you're attempting to create under Manage Club > Club Settings, which is found in the same area as you'd find Leave Club on a club you don't own. Just make sure you're on your club's link.


    If you have any questions, please do not hestiate to contact me via Discord:


  1. You were most likely excessively advertising, to the point where you practically flooded chat. Although, that's just an assumption based off what I usually see in the lobby. Moderators reccommend that you advertise your server every 2-3 minutes within the lobby. Any smaller length of time in between your advertisements, and it may be seen as spam. I believe that's what happened in this specific scenario. There's no point in appealing, as it explicitly states on the Player Appeal page that you should only appeal if your punishment exceeds one week in length, unless it was 100% unfair, which in this case, I highly doubt it was unfair. I'd just wait it out, two days isn't very long in terms of punishments regardless.

  2. If the /difficulty command doesn't work, you could always try to change the difficulty via the panel.

    Go to Settings within your panel, and look for this:


    You can then change the difficulty to whatever you'd like, save it, and then stop + start your server so the changes go into effect.

  3. 6 hours ago, Siva said:

    how can i use a mod for a minehut server ?minehut doesn't support mods, does it??

    i have space in the world name so can't download. Please Help


    Please refrain from necro-posting.

    By definition, necro-posting is replying to a thread which has been inactive for a month or more. I'm unable to lock the thread as I evidently don't have any authority, nor do I have permissions, however when a Moderator becomes aware, they should lock this thread, if I'm not mistaken.


    These are the specifics regarding the bedrock server, make sure all the information is entered in correctly.

    VERSION 1.16.1
    CONNECT bedrock.minehut.com 
    PORT 19132
    DEVICES iOS, Android, Win10

    If this does not work, contact Minehut. Bedrock support is still in beta, so there may be problems.

  5. 7 hours ago, disapologies said:



    Please delete your messages as they are not relevant to this topic

    They are relevant to the topic, though. I was speaking to another individual about his answer to this topic, therefore making it  completely relevant. If I went off and talked about something random like pigs or something without quoting anyone, then I'd understand, yet I didn't.

    • Like 1
  6. You can either purchase credits from here, or you can vote for the server daily, and if I recall correctly, you recieve 25 credits each time you vote.

    Do /vote in game for more information regarding how to vote.

  7. On 7/7/2020 at 11:19 PM, Tresre said:

    My favorite candy is reeses peanut butter cups, and I like them because I love peanut butter, and the combination is very yummy, widely available, I started eating it because its a popular candy and I've had them since I was little.

    I strongly agree.

    • Like 1
  8. I believe this would go in Community Support. If you had started this thread there, it would have been exposed to people who could help you out more efficiently than I ever could.

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