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Everything posted by TheSckwadbros999

  1. ik but I have all the plugins needed but it wont work
  2. I have just started skript-holo can someone give me an example of a leaderboard for something?
  3. on my scoreboard I have it so its looped and {kills::%loop-attacker%} doesn't work
  4. on death: attacker is a player: add 1 to {kills.%player%} this isn't working with my scoreboard instead it gives the player who dies the kill idk why?
  5. So would I have to put a variable like something like this: in world <World name>: trigger: blah blah blah
  6. I need help how can you make a scoreboard for each demission so like kitpvp will have its own scoreboard etc.
  7. NarwhalGrant251 I already have V.I.P lol
  9. ik how to fix the spaces and crap But idk what Empty Configuration means
  10. command /astrokit: trigger: set {astroDelay} to difference between {astro.%player%} and now if {astroDelay} is less than 1 minute: send "&bThis kit is on cooldown. You may use it again in &f%difference between {astroDelay} and 1 minute%&b." stop set {astro.%player%} to now wait 1 tick equip player with iron helmet equip player with iron chestplate equip player with chain leggings equip player with iron boots give player stone axe give player feather named "&5&lGravity Feather" with lore "right click while holding this to gain Jump Boost 2" give player golden apple give player golden apple give player golden apple give player golden apple give player Bow give player arrow give player arrow give player arrow give player arrow give player arrow give player arrow give player arrow give player arrow give player arrow give player arrow give player beetroot soup give player beetroot soup give player beetroot soup give player beetroot soup if player's balance is more or equal to 1000: subtract 1000 from player's balance else: send "Insufficient Funds!" it says this i have no clue what it means ??????
  11. on right click on white terracotta: if "%world%" contains "Plots": wait 1 tick if player's balance is more or equal to 500: subtract 500 from player's balance set block to orange terracotta send action bar "&d&lUpgraded Generator!" to player else: send "&cError: &eInsufficient funds to upgrade Gen! &eYou need &a$500 &eand you have &a%player's balance%&e!"
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