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Everything posted by JoshG

  1. These days people will do anything to store data outside of just regular skript variables. Some good options include: - an external database - yml but I came up with the most stupid idea and i think it might actually work a brief description, is that I will be offloading all skript variables to a webserver. thats it! yes I know this is dumb and slow and not made for production i will be attaching the github here and posting updates to this thread! i've come up with a file tree, and opted to use php. Here's the file tree: get.php: - returns value of variable, if not exist return NULL - use: get.php?uuid=UUID&variable=VARIABLE reset.php: - resets / creates their directory - use: reset.php?uuid=UUID set.php: - sets a variable to a new value - use: set.php?uuid=UUID&variable=VARIABLE&value=VALUE A hurdle to get over will be storing server variables, not just player data. This will be stored under the uuid "server" So to get say, the price of dirt in the "dirtPrice" variable, we request get.php?uuid=server&variable=dirtPrice For the serverside, the variables will be stored in a master directory called "data" In this directory resides more directories, named the UUIDs. Inside of those, even more directories, one for each variable. Inside those directories, is variable.txt. Containing just the value of the variable. So dirtPrice, will be: data/server/dirtPrice/variable.txt the value of variable.txt just being "1.00" or something. All files and changes will be on https://github.com/diamondscode/php-skript-what Enjoy lmao
  2. this would work I believe but I am one to overcomplicate things. lol
  3. If you would like to hire someone to skript, feel free to join https://discord.gg/minehut and make a marketplace post there
  4. so its kinda an open archive for myself to have but free for you guys to use if you want it its not crazy on the server looping all players every second lol, its actually kinda cool and probably made horribly. enjoy https://github.com/DiamondsCode/advanced-playtime
  5. Don't worry, i've been developing a system for players to choose which functions they want in an online portal.
  6. Although this is not a minecraft server. I am starting a (as odd as it sounds) collection of skript files all in one, called utilSK. utilSK will be a MASSIVE skript file of dozens, maybe even thousands of functions, all documented, for server owners to use, for free. That being said, I am looking for skript devs who know skript, and people who know minecraft servers, and what people who make minecraft servers need. Examples of what functions it will hold, are things like formatNum, a simple function to add commas or "k, m, b" to balances, etc. It will even have addons, like economy addons, which tie in with the main file. This project is going to be massive and I can't do it alone! Join the project, and apply to be a dev today discord.gg/3MekxfkMpe ALSO! I need people who know html.. seriously. I know html css and js myself, but am not the best web dev. We will be needing a website, so join the server to apply for that too Thanks!
  7. I have always skripted my scoreboards within a function, so when I need to update it I call the function like so: command /reloadscoreboard: trigger: scoreboard(player) send "&7Your scoreboard has been successfully reloaded!" to player function scoreboard(p: player): set title of {_p}'s scoreboard to "Your Title" set line 15 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "Line 1 (closest to top)" set line 14 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "and" set line 13 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "so" set line 12 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "on" set line 11 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "down" set line 10 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "to" set line 9 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "line" set line 8 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "1!" ... This way when say, updating someones balance, you can call the function to reload their scoreboard. But for you, it would be more of: every second: <-- Code for Timer --> loop all players: scoreboard(loop-player) Although I always try to only update scoreboard when I really need to
  8. Is it triggering though? The code I sent will only trigger when fully ripened wheat is broken
  9. Are you using Vulcan Anti-Cheat? If so, remove it. It has a known backdoor giving users access to the server. Use the official one only https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vulcan-anti-cheat-advanced-cheat-detection-1-7-1-20-1.83626/ found here. Or, use a different one.
  10. Odd, try this function getGenCost(): return "{@cost}"
  11. I'm gonna be adding vouches here 🙂

  12. JoshG

    Custom Domain Error

    That should be good. Try changing TTL to the lowest possible amount of time.
  13. Please use https://forums.minehut.com/forum/18-discussion/ in the future, this forum is for Skript Releases, not support. But, this below should do it if event-block is fully grown wheat plant: set event-block to air give 1 wheat to the player send action bar "&e+1 Wheat" to player if {time.x} is set: give 1 wheat to the player send action bar "&e+2 Wheat &6(2x Multiplier)" to player else: send action bar "&e+1 Wheat" to player
  14. JoshG

    Custom Domain Error

    Did you correctly set up the DNS records? If so, I recommend creating an additional SRV record pointed toward your server aswell. If you are using cloudflare for your DNS heres what it should look like
  15. This is not a very efficient way to do this. First I would add the location to a list: {beaconloc::*} and looking at this it looks very long and kind of inefficient. Looping 1200 times of waiting 1 tick and chances will take a lot on your server, especially if theres multiple at a time. So, you could just set a variable (ex; {beacontime::%unix of now%}) to the unix of now and when people try to open it you check the time between now and the variable set, instead of just tons of waiting.
  16. I don't see why you need to run a function that just returns {@cost}, I would replace the function with just simply {@cost}. But, I can see maybe it being run when the cost option is not set in another file, so I think the easiest fix is function getGenCost() :: number: return "{@cost}" Remember skript see's options as a text, which is the reason the below works options: command: skriptcommand message: Message set in options command /{@command}: trigger: send "{@message}" Let me know
  17. Simple PV Script! Infinite PV's! Permissions: PV.set - Sets a user's allowed PV slots Commands: /pv (#) - Opens the # PV /setpv (player) (number) - sets number of allowed PV's Defaults to 1 PV per player. TOS: No claiming this work for your own. You may edit and change the code Minor support may be given, but shall not be expected pv.sk
  18. You could set the variable or you could use base skript cooldown: 1 hour and add the flag cooldown storage: {variable::%player's uuid%} https://skripthub.net/tutorials/75
  19. Hey hey! I can help! Send me a message here or on discord! Josh.#6656
  20. JoshG


    Hey hey! Please open a support ticket: https://minehut.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=4999999402643
  21. Hey hey! I have been working on a little project recently and just finished. What is it, you may ask? Glad you asked. It's a free, 12 lesson course all about skript. Just register at https://axiabit.com/skript/ and off you go. That Simple. I would love to hear feedback from anyone who completes the course or anyone who uses it as a reference later on! Contact me on Discord: @Josh.#6656 Heres the lesson outline! Lesson 1: Introduction to Skript Lesson 2: Variables and Data Types Lesson 3: Conditional Statements Lesson 4: Loops Lesson 5: Functions and Subroutines Lesson 6: Lists and Arrays Lesson 7: File Input/Output Lesson 8: Event Handling Lesson 9: Advanced Topics: Classes and Objects Lesson 10: Error Handling and Debugging Lesson 11: Interacting with External Systems Lesson 12: Project Development and Best Practices Also, feedback is welcome in replies!
  22. Hey hey! I would encourage you to learn skript if you'd like more advanced things. Soon I will be making a full course on skript, and you can keep your eye on my profile for when I post about it. Although, here is an example of how you can use specific block breaks and percentages in scripts! on mine of diamond block: chance of 10%: drop 1 stick named "&3&lRare Drop" at event-block send "&b&lRare Drop! Someone obtained a special stick!" to all players Please do let me know if this works!
  23. Hey hey! Polilla seemed to mostly cover it. Although, I would encourage to not use console commands with skript and instead use the send title function. Here's an updated script using the send title if you'd like it! command /newgame: permission: "mini.newgame" trigger: send title "&bSTARTING GAME!" with subtitle "&aGet ready to play!" to all players Let me know if it works!
  24. Hey hey! I found two errors in your script: 1: The capitol T in "Trigger" 2: "message" should be replaced with "send" Heres the updated script! command /help: trigger: send "&4Rules:" send "&c1. No Spamming in Chat" send "&c2. No Spawnkilling" send "&c3. No Hacking (Killaura, Fly, etc.)" send "&cViolating these rules will result in a strike." send "&c2 Strikes and you will be permanently banned." send " " send "&2Commands:" send "&a/sethome & /home" send "&a/tpa & /tpahere" send "&a/spawn" send "&a/help" In the updated version, I changed "message" to "send" to match the correct syntax used in most Minecraft scripting plugins. This should fix the issue and display all the lines in your "/help" command. Make sure to test it on your server and verify that it works as expected.
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