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Everything posted by JoshG

  1. To prevent players from placing a certain item (such as amethyst shards) into a chest using Skript, you can utilize the on inventory click event to intercept the click and cancel it if the item matches the specified criteria. Here's an example: on inventory click: if event-clicked inventory type is chest: if event-clicked item is amethyst shard: cancel event send "You cannot place amethyst shards in this chest!" In the above code, whenever a player clicks on an item within a chest inventory, the Skript checks if the clicked item is an amethyst shard. If it is, the event is canceled, preventing the item from being placed in the chest, and the player is notified with a message. You can add this Skript snippet to your existing code or incorporate it into your Skript file as needed. Remember to adjust the item and message to suit your specific requirements. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
  2. options: perm: * permmsg: &cNo Permission command /sudo [<player>] [<text>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@permmsg} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cInvalid Command usage." send "&3/sudo (player) (command)" else: send "&3Forcing &b%arg-1%&3 To Execute command:" send "&b%arg-2%&3." make arg-1 execute command "/%arg-2%"
  3. JoshG


    Bruh I WISH ig
  4. I would just like to bring awareness to a topic that is not seen a lot inside the Minehut community, but needs attention. A particular danger, is the Minehut Console. Not the console itself, but giving console access. Im not talking about the effects on your server, itself. Im talking about from the other side, the developers. When I was granted Console access on a server, all was well until: I asked about pay. It started pretty chill, until they started to ask odd questions. So I decided to resign, then come back. But then I was banned from the server, and Threatened my IP Address and my location. I was on a vpn at the time, but it still showed what can go on. In the MineHut console, there is some IP tracking. Things lead to another, so i brought to to MineHut Staff. Mostly @Faacto . But i just want everyone to be aware that logging into someones account, may not be the best idea.
  5. Player Visibility Skript


    #Coded by ElectronMC Developers

    on join:
        loop all players:
            reveal loop-player to player
        set slot 1 of player to light green dye named "&aPlayers ➟ Enabled" with lore "&7Right-Click to hide players"
    on rightclick with light green dye:
        cancel event
        send "&cAll players are now hidden."
        loop all players:
            hide loop-player to player
        wait 1 ticks
        set tool of player to gray dye named "&aPlayers ➟ &cDisabled" with lore "&7Right-Click to shop players"
    on rightclick with gray dye:
        cancel event
        send "&aPlayers are no longer hidden."
        loop all players:
            reveal loop-player to player
        wait 1 ticks
        set tool of player to light green dye named "&aPlayers ➟ Enabled" with lore "&7Right-Click to hide players"

  6. command /scaffold: permission: op trigger: if {%player%.scaffold} is false: set {%player%.scaffold} to true else if {%player%.scaffold} is true: set {%player%.scaffold} to false on any move: if {%player%.scaffold} is true: set block below player to {%player%.block} if {%player%.block} is air: set {%player%.block} to stone Else if {%player%.block} is not air: set {%player%.block} to stone
  7. Age How many hours can you dedicate to our server weekly? What is your discord? Why do you want to be staff at NetEco? Why should we chose you over others? What made you want to be staff? You Understand that if you are unfit for the position, you can re-apply in 2 weeks? (Yes|No)
  8. I Recommend the TAB Reborn plugin, it is configurable, and easy to configure. It also automatically shows ranks from the luckperms plugin.
  9. Command /fly: Permission: yourperm.here Trigger: If {fly.%player%} is not set: Send "&bFlight mode is now &3enabled&b." to player set player's flight mode to true Set {fly.%player%} to true Stop Send "&bFlight mode is now &3disabled&b." to player set player's flight mode to false Delete {fly.%player%} Stop
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