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Everything posted by lolorvit

  1. lolorvit

    Plugin Help

    Ok. Send me the ID of the channel the bot is supposed to send messages to
  2. lolorvit

    Plugin Help

    You must also define the ID of the channel (which is in numbers and not the #name) in the config.
  3. lolorvit

    Plugin Help

    Do you even have a bot setup?
  4. You would want to make this with Skript. And no, I will not make it for you. Try to learn a bit of Skript on YouTube or by reading their docs.
  5. lolorvit

    Plugin Help

    How is it not working? Could you explain more about your problem?
  6. lolorvit


    This may be because of spawn protection. Try to turn it down to 0 in the Minehut Panel. If this doesn't work, send me your plugins list, I want to take a look at it.
  7. lolorvit

    No hunger or Mobs

    In your console (on the panel), type "difficulty normal". Hope this helps!
  8. lolorvit

    Minehut Server

    This would not be an issue with Minehut, but I would be glad to help you. Could you tell me what version you are using and if you have any mods installed?
  9. Have you put the datapacks on the server? If so, how did you do it?
  10. You must enable whitelist! To do this, enter "whitelist on" in the console, and then run "whitelist add (username)" and replace username with your name. To add more people to the whitelist, just type the same command, but with their username.
  11. lolorvit

    Please give.....

    If you would like to play Minehut, you must have a premium account, which you have figured out. But, we will not give you one. If you would like to get one, you can purchase it from https://minecraft.net/.
  12. Yep, you should be able to run /dl world (world name).
  13. If this is a server just for you and your friends, I recommend enabling whitelist as well.
  14. lolorvit

    HD skins?

    You cannot install mods on Minehut servers at this current time, and most likely not in the future.
  15. You need to restart your server. The reason this happened is because your inventory can't fit 1222222 diamond blocks in your inventory, causing them to be dropped on the ground. Minehut has a low amount of RAM, meaning it doesn't handle excessive items on the ground well. Hope this helps
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