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Everything posted by lolorvit

  1. I don't mean to be rude, but if you are making a Skript for someone, make sure it works properly.
  2. I already saw yours, it is terrible. First of all, yours used the variable {freerank.claimed} meaning that if one person claims the freerank, no one else can, as it isn't {freerank::uuid}. Another issue is that you used "." meaning that you cant loop through all the people who have made a claimed a free rank. You also set the rank, meaning that if they have a donor rank, and type the command out of curiosity, it will reset their rank. Here is what it should be. comamnd /freerank [<text>]: trigger: if {freerank::*} contains player's uuid: send "&cYou have already claimed your free rank!" stop execute console command "lp user %player% parent add Plant" send "&cYou have successfully claimed your free rank!" add player's uuid to {freerank::*}
  3. Which permissions manager are you using, and what is the name of the rank you want to give?
  4. Hi all. I am bored, so I decided that I will create a simple Skript for people replying. This Skript shouldn't take longer than 5-10 minutes to make, and I will deny some requests at my own discression.
  5. Using execute console command makes a serious impact on performance. It is allowing them to fly with extra steps. I would also recommend doing this every 5 seconds as with large amounts of players, it could lag. EDIT for even better performance, put $ thread in the line before loop all players.
  6. lolorvit

    I cant buy credits

    You can vote for Minehut or pay directly via credit/debit card
  7. As the link above takes you to the download, here is the Spigot page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skywarsreloaded-updated-recoded-1-16-support-new-features-1-8x-1-16x.69436/
  8. lolorvit

    Greatkit perm help

    Give all players this permission greatkits.kits.*
  9. I don't think you realize, buying ranks is there to support the server, in fact, Patron means " person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity."
  10. I'm 99% sure this is caused by WorldEdit. You say you don't have any plugins installed, but just to be sure, type /pl in your server, and send me the plugins it shows.
  11. Could you send me more about the error? Send me your server's error.
  12. "couldn't connect to a default or a fallback server!" wouldn't be a server error, this would be a client side error, and this is due to your server crashing. Could you please go to the Danger Zone and click Repair Files.
  13. lolorvit

    keep inventory?

    I believe it is case sensitive, so you would have to do /gamerule keepInventory true (it uses camel case).
  14. Hmm. I don't see anything really wrong with this config.
  15. I was involved in one of the times Minehut was hacked. I just got my appeal accepted, so I will be back in 6 months.
  16. Please send me your configuration file. This is either a bug with the plugin or your configuration.
  17. lolorvit

    I cant buy credits

    This has been a common issue recently. PayPal currently doesn't work for purchasing credits, hopefully this will be fixed soon.
  18. As Omega said, you cannot join Minehut on a cracked account. It is technically illegal, and just isn't cool.
  19. No, you can't. If you could, Minehut as a network would have a lot of security issues.
  20. I have only ever had this issue for these 2 reasons: Invalid name If your friend recently changed their name, the launcher will launch the game with your old name instead of new, and your game will not be authenticated. (fix: log out of your minecraft account on the launcher, and log back in) Cracked account You didn't pay for Minecraft. (fix: buy the game)
  21. I don't believe there is a way to revert this, just know in the future that this will revert every server file back to when the backup was made.
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