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Everything posted by Satellq

  1. variables: {%player%.deaths} = 0 # Every player has his "deaths" variable if you use %player% on respawn: set {_temporaryVariable} to "Tasty" send "Mh, %{_temporaryVariable}%" to player on death: add 1 to {%player%.deaths} command /deaths: trigger: send "You died %{%player%.deaths}% times" to players This is a little tutorial, if you need some more help about variables watch this short video:
  2. I don't think nobody will make skript without getting any money for you.
  3. command /commands: aliases: /cmds trigger: send "/pay - Give someone $$$" to player send "/commands - Show this list" to player Hope it helped!
  4. variables: {%player%.killedZombies} = 0 on death of a zombie: damager is a player add 1 to {%player%.killedZombies} wait 2 tick if {%player%.killedZombies} >= 20: # He completed the task I didn't test it, try it out and let me know.
  5. command /dupe: trigger: if player's held item is a diamond: send "You can't dupe that you fool!" to player else give player's held item to player 1. You don't need to create a variable, it just make the server more laggy ( Not in this case but you need to know that. ). 2. You don't need a "stop" if there is no more code. Hope that helped.
  6. on break: player's held item is air send "You broke a block with your fist, what a savage." to player I didn't test but I think that's the solution.
  7. That was the solution, thank you.
  8. Hello, I'm trying to send an actionbar to a player but it isn't working. show an action bar from "&2&lMONEYGREED &a&l» &7You received &a$1000000000" to player My addons: Skellet, SkQuery, skRayFall, TuSKe
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