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Everything posted by ThunderStorm

  1. To get there you will have to swim down a deep tunnel. Hopefully the goose cannot swim. You can find this tunnel in a small room inside that large building in front of the spawn of the lobby
  2. There is a secret room that is hidden deep under the large building in the lobby.This may very well be the only safe place where you can hide from the goose.
  3. Ikr the goose is one of the most dangerous species of bird to ever exist. The only why to protect yourself from the goose is to hide and hope he doesn’t find you
  4. The place where you posted this is only for suggesting plugins that minehut should add but if you are looking for plugins to add to a anarchy server It is probably a good idea to add a anti lag plugin and a anti cheat to prevent players from using too op hacks to cause lag by loading too many chunks. Also add something that let players type /kill to die and go to spawn
  5. Make a Trent fan club server
  6. If you have worldedit you can select a chunk you want to reload and then type //regen
  7. UntitledGoose is a very dangerous and sneaky goose. He will try to coerce you into getting trapped in a box by pretending to be a egirl, dropping fake airpods on the floor, and even building a advanced Redstone mechanism to box innocent people. If you go afk in the lobby UntitledGoose is in, when you come back you will find yourself trapped in a box of barriers. As shown in the Image below UntitledGoose will also chase you with full Netherite if you dare to come near him! The picture below is Goose trying to kill me but failing. Below is a screenshot of a trap made by UntitledGoose that will trap anyone who steps on the pressure plate. UntitledGoose also uses a Autoclicker As you can see UntitledGoose is an extremely dangerous person and he must be stopped! If you want to stop UntitleGoose you may donate to the Stop UntitledGoose fund at https://bit.ly/3dwm2bg
  8. Tysm! This got rid of all the hackers on my server! your a legend!
  9. This skript adds a /suffix command that lets players with ranks change there suffix with a command. Usage: /suffix <newsuffix> Permission: suffix.* command /suffix [<text>]: permission: suffix.* permission message: &cYou dont have permission! trigger: if arg 1 is set: execute console command "/lp user %player% meta setsuffix %arg-1%" if arg 1 is not set: send &cUsage /suffix <suffixname>
  10. enjoy. command /setwarp [<text>]: permission: warps.admin permission message: &fUnknown command. Type "/help" for a list of commands! trigger: if arg 1 is set: if {warps::%arg 1%} is not set: set {warps::%arg 1%} to location of player send "&3Warp &b%arg 1% &3has been set to your location." else: send "&3Warp &b%arg 1% &3has already been set." else: send "You do realize your warp needs to have a name right?" command /delwarp [<text>]: permission: warps.admin permission message: &fUnknown command. Type "/help" for a list of commands! trigger: if arg 1 is set: if {warps::%arg 1%} is set: delete {warps::%arg 1%} send "&3Warp &b%arg 1% &3has been removed." else: send "&3Warp &b%arg 1% &3does not exist." else: send "You do realize you need to put the warps name right?" command /warp [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is set: if {warps::%arg 1%} is set: teleport player to {warps::%arg 1%} send "&3Teleporting to warp &b%arg 1%&3!" else: send "&3Warp &b%arg 1% &3does not exist." else: send "BRO UR SO STUPID U NEED TO TYPE THE NAME OF THE WARP TOO!! U IDIOTIC PIECE OF TRASH"
  11. It might make your advertisement stand out a little bit more than before /ad but you have to wait 7 whole minutes before you can advertise again so it just makes advertising so much harder than just advertising once every few minutes.
  12. The part about the moderators is not the point, the point is /ad does not help prevent spam because the spammers will keep spamming and that /ad just makes it 10 times harder for new servers to get players. Minehut was so much better before they added /ad.
  13. Does that mean people can still connect on a alt if they are ip banned?
  14. I would recommend getting a anti cheat like matrix and also get ore replacer to prevent people from xraying. Its also a good idea to get essentials, a auction plugin, GUIshop, Worldguard, and Luckperms.
  15. Patron is for people who have alot of money and want to support minehut. If you dont want to buy just dont buy it.
  16. Try greifing his base to get back at him (if he has a base that is)
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