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Everything posted by rosabel

  1. UPDATE LOG: . Added /tribe . Do the command for command help. You can buy speed & strength upgrades for your tribe, too! . Added horse stables at 97 173 -553 | Operates like purchasing a house . Added tips in chat that broadcast regularly . Added a title tutorial for new players . Added helpful holograms at spawn . Prevented /home from being abused(?) . Fixed AC's not working. Now, you don't lose temperature when near one FOR GOOD. . Fixed other bugs I can't remember.. . Added daily quests - do /daily to view them! . Added referral code. Someone needs to do /code <player name> that player will receive $450! Only works once per player. . Upped the money shipments give you . Fixed tiers hopefully . Added other things, not entirely worth mentioning Come join @ deserta.minehut.gg
  2. Deserta is going under all-day maintenance, and will be back on October 27. Update log: . daily quests . some code optimization . simplify a bunch of things . drinking will no longer injure you, canteen is just a more effective way of carrying water . adjustments to the looting system . add more helpful things for new players . add crates . -There'll be horse stables in each town where you can buy a safe place to store your horse . a grouping system that allows you to upgrade your tribe
  3. **UNIQUE DESERT-BASED SMP** **Deserta** is all about surviving in the Desert while keeping things simple. You manage your temperature and thirst meter while making deliveries to other villages for money, completing quests for money, or selling dishes you made for money. Use your earnings to buy animals, seeds, and houses. All while tiering up to the next rank, go to the nether, end, or to a designated cave. Will you survive? Basic caves with iron and coal, but take multiple tries to break. Glowing caves with gold and lapis but only have a chance at dropping, or Lava caves with Diamond and Obsidian, but take forever to break as well as make your temperature rise rapidly amidst the heat. Or just build a base out in the middle of nowhere, and reinforce your base with Iron ingots to keep other players out. Releases in 2 days. DM me if interested in a staff, builder, or beta tester position. rosa#0954 Anything is possible in Deserta.
  4. Specifically your playerdata was deleted for some reason. So unless you have a backup, no.
  5. When the server releases, your coins will be distributed.
  6. Yeah, Minehut'll say you have to restart now, and do that. Then while it's restarting add another add-on and again and again even though it's restarting. Once done, hit restart. They'll all be added, you don't have to wait for it to go up. Every. Single. Time. Also what Tibo said, but I just do add-ons anyway.
  7. Try it without the slash /
  8. That is not why your server is crashing. I get that error too, my server is totally fine. It's a bug with Skript. The REAL reason your server is crashing is.. well.. just because that's just how updating server versions work. More often than not, it'll corrupt your world. All of your console errors are PAPER errors (chunk errors, too). Did you switch server versions? Ex. Spigot to Paper. I also see an error for Skript default database. [07:24:02] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Skript.jar//ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage$1.run(VariablesStorage.java:75) [07:24:02] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: java.base@16.0.1/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831) [07:24:02] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------ [07:24:02] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Skript variable save thread So, here are my solutions for YOU; 1. Turn on your server. Then, turn it offline. Go into your Skript folder and delete variables.csv, then start your server. 2. Backup all your Skripts in a notepad file. Turn your server to offline, delete Skript entirely. Start your server up, also check if it stops crashing, and if it was successfully deleted, reinstall it and put all your Skripts back. 2. Completely reset your world (backup first!!) Though I only recommend this if you have more than one backup slot. No guarantee your server will ever return to normal without a clean restart.
  9. No, no Minehut staff will be able to change it for you probably. Just set the server to offline, tick hardcore to on, save, then tick hardcore to off, then start up your server. It should be gone. If not try running the command /difficulty normal on your server.
  10. It just doesn't start? Won't even let you click Mange server and go into it? If it does let you click manage server and go inside, start your server. Once it goes offline go to File Manager > latest.logs > Copy and paste everything from in there into a paste at pastebin.com. Post the link in a reply. I need to read your logs to find the problem. If it's not even letting you into File Manager open a support ticket at Minehut.com/support/form
  11. rosabel


    Did you link your Minecraft account to your Minehut account?
  12. rosabel

    Commands not working

    Try just typing op SirTruths without a slash / As I believe it auto-applies it when you do the command.
  13. On damage of a player, set both the attacker's and the victim's Combat variable to true. After that, use the on quit event to check if the player's combat variable was true. If so, delete the variable, then kill the player. On command, check if the player's combat variable is true. If so, cancel event.
  14. You will get your free coins on October 23. The release. :3
  15. Skript - Beginner mistakes & How to optimize YOUR code I'm making this post in favor of helping new developers. We'll first go over common mistakes of Skript, then I'll begin teaching you how to optimize your own code. Common Mistake #1 - Using Spaces or forgetting indentation In Skript, all code must be Indented, 4 spaces or 1 tab each. What's the difference between tabs and spaces? A tab is 4 spaces, but backspacing on one will instantly delete 4 spaces, and pressing Tab on your keyboard instantly makes 4 spaces. It's faster, and more efficient. Some say it's inefficient in other languages, such as Java, which isn't true, languages like Java aren't too focused on indentation, not as much as Skript is, since most IDEs auto-indent for you, or all tabs are converted to spaces at the end of the day anyway. Example of bad code: on break: send "You have broken a block!" give 1 of diamond to player send "Gave Diamond!" The problem is ALL of this code needs to be 4 spaces (or 1 tab) exactly. You only indent your code after an 'if' or any code ending with a colon : Common Mistake #2 Using .%player's uuid% instead of ::%player's uuid% or using %player% A per-player variable in Skript looks like this: {mana::%player's uuid%} And a common mistake people make is using {mana.%player's uuid%} ; using :: instead of . in your variable is better, as it will save your variables better in variables.csv; also, many players also make the mistake of utilizing %player% when they don't mean to. When using %player%, you are saving the value to the player's name, meaning, if they ever change their name, all of their progress will be deleted. Use %player's uuid% instead. Example of a good variable: {mana::%player's uuid%} Common Mistake #3 Spaghetti code Huh, wait THERE'S SPAGHETTI? No. This is spaghetti code: (Forums kinda butchers it, but you get the idea.) command /sell: trigger: if player's held item isn't iron ingot: if player's held item isn't gold ingot: if player's held item isn't coal: if player's held item isn't a diamond: if player's held item isn't an emerald: send "Example" else: send "You can't sell emeralds!: else: send "You can't sell diamonds!: else: send "You can't sell coal!: else: send "You can't sell iron ingots!: else: send "You can't sell iron ingots!: Just so.. many useless if's. Okay, so, "Rosa! But how else am I supposed to send a custom message for each item they're not supposed to sell UVU" Simple. command /sell: trigger: if player's held item isn't iron ingot or diamond or emerald or gold ingot or coal: send "Example" else: send "You can not send %player's held item%!" This does the exact same thing, %player's held item% will be what they're holding, so that's custom message for each item they can't sell in 12 less lines. If not planning to use an 'else', you can also do command /sell: trigger: player's held item isn't iron ingot or diamond or emerald or gold ingot or coal send "Example" No if's needed. Do it in any and every possible circumstance. Section II - How to optimize your code I won't go too in-depth on this section. Just a bunch of snippets of tricks I've learned over the years. Tip #1 Delete as many variables as possible When you're done using a variable delete it it's simple, really. Say {mana::%player's uuid%} is your variable. In any event or command where need be, just put delete {mana::%player's uuid%} now I DEFINITELY wouldn't recommend deleting important variables, but if you're only using the variable for a temporary, short task, delete it after use, or delete it when the player leaves. This leads us to local variables all local variables start with '_', for example: {_timer::%player's uuid%} or {_t} are local variables. Once the code stops, they're automatically deleted, they'll never be saved in variables.csv Use these when you need to save something or use a variable in code just for that one piece of code. Tip #2 Use RAM variables, PLEASE! What are RAM variables? Well, when your server stops or restarts, they're automatically deleted. A RAM variable always begins with '-' or whatever you set it to in config.yml as this isn't in normal Skript, you need to enable this in the config.yml This article will show you how to make any variable starting with - delete on restart - https://forums.skunity.com/threads/skript-variables-ram.5865/ So you have your RAM variables set up. This is what they look like: {-thirst::%player's uuid%} They are EXTREMELY useful for saving values like a Thirst meter, or whatever other use you can think to use them for. Once they're set up, just start any variable with '-' to make it delete the variable upon server restart. This keeps variables.csv from clogging up with useless variables that don't need to be saved beyond a restart. Tip #3 Uh.. Why are you looping players for your scoreboard? One of the most useful tips for any Minehut server. DON'T loop players for your scoreboard, there is a infinitely better way, and it only requires SkBee This is an example of my method. Make your scoreboard just like mine, and put it in a function. function score(p: player): set {_uuid} to {_p}'s uuid set title of {_p}'s scoreboard to "<##560F75>&lPIE<##FBE9CA>&lDOMS" set line 11 of {_p}'s scoreboard to " <##742397>&l[/pie] " set line 10 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&7" set line 9 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "<##560F75>●&f Coins&8 |&f %{_p}'s balance%" set line 8 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&7" set line 7 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "<##FBE9CA>●&f Kills&8 |&f %{stats::%{_uuid}%::kills}%" set line 6 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "<##560F75>●&f Level&8 |&f %{stats::%{_uuid}%::lvl}%" set line 5 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "<##FBE9CA>●&f Pies Baked&8 |&f %{stats::%{_uuid}%::pies}%" set line 4 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&7" set line 3 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "<##560F75>&lSupport us - [/buy]" set line 2 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&5" set line 1 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&f{<##FBE9CA> /discord&f |<##560F75> /pie&f |<##FBE9CA>/profile&f }" toggle {_p}'s scoreboard on Whenever you update a value on the scoreboard, in your code put score(player) on join: score(player) Mini-tip BONUS section! Tip #4 - Use functions WHENEVER you can, do not underestimate their capability. For example, I needed to make 10+ Shop GUIS for my server. I made a function that allows me to make any GUI I want in one line of code, using a function with around 15-20 lines. Tip #4 - Disable backups in config.yml so that your server doesn't endlessly produces hundreds of thousands of backups overtime; usually resulting in the server dying whenever it's started. Tip #5 - Always use these useful inputs instead of using 'loop all players' - send "%player% executed command&e %full command%" to all players where [{-cspy::%input's uuid%} is true] send "%player% >> %message%" to all players where input has permission "Staffchat"]
  16. It's probably the worldspawn protection acting up, there's a setting you can turn it to 0 in bukkit/spigot.yml I believe. For a quick fix, though, just fly somewhere super high in the sky and do /setworldspawn
  17. Start your server, load in, wait for it to go offline, then go to File Manager > logs > latest.log > Copy everything and paste it here --> https://pastebin.com/ Then click upload. Paste the pastebin link here, in a reply. This will let me know why your server is crashing. You said you can't even access the File Manager Try starting it, immediately go to the File Manager tab, it should load. If it never will, fill out a support ticket here: https://minehut.com/support/form
  18. Start your server, load in, wait for it to go offline, then go to File Manager > logs > latest.log > Copy everything and paste it here --> https://pastebin.com/ Then click upload. Paste the pastebin link here, in a reply. This will let me know why your server is crashing.
  19. It can take some time to load, refresh your page or keep trying. At the end of the day, it's not too big a deal as you can download Skript from SpigotMC and upload it to your plugins folder in File Manager.
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