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Everything posted by skwiptasdf

  1. I counteract your evidence by disabling Devil.sk. If you would now please delete your profile. Lots of love, skript lord (knighted by gigi)
  2. I appreciate the relevant material that you attached, and to counter i give you my relevant material.
  3. well there's too many ~s, *s, _s and {s, and i cant understand it. i hate it so delete it
  4. i have never seen more sub-optimal code than whatever obfuscated nonsense that pastebin contains. Don't insult Block Overlay Skript By steveshatt again.
  5. How did I place blocks before this?!?!
  6. just look at where you'd like to place, and you'll see exactly where you'd like to place!
  7. Placing has NEVER been easier!
  8. this is so epic now i know where all my blocks are going to be placed
  9. Hey! You're the guy that keeps spamming me 'cause i asked for $0.5 to make it.
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