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Posts posted by Swacco

  1. options:
        confirm: &7[&a!&7]
        deny: &7[&c!&7]
    command /setspawn:
        permission: op
            set {spawn} to player's location
            send "{@confirm} &aSpawn Set Successfully" to player
    command /spawn:
            teleport the player to {spawn}
            send "{@confirm} &6Entering Spawn..."
    command /setsafe:
        permission: safe.control
            set {safe.loc} to player's location
    command /safe:
            teleport the player to {safe.loc}
            send "{@confirm} &aYou have entered Safe Mode." to player
            set {safe.true} to true
    command /unsafe:
            if {safe.true} is false:
                send "{@deny} &6You can't leave something you are not in." to player
            if {safe.true} is true:
                teleport the player to {spawn}
                send "{@confirm} &6You have left safe mode." to player
                set {safe.true} to false

    coming back into skripting after like two years of not doing it but, this is what i came up with if you wanna learn something from it.

  2. 1 minute ago, _Tarna_ said:

    Instead of just having the lore as the Price, you could probably make the lore like "$%{_c}%" or maybe even "Price: %{_c}%". And you can just make it if {_p}'s balance >= {_c} instead of all that.

    Thanks i will try to do that into the future im just used to doing greater than! Thanks for the tip 😄

  3. options:
        prefix: YourServerNameHere
    command /shop:
            open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "hi" to player
            shop(player, 10, 300, Grass Block, 4, "&aGrass Block")
    	#shop(player, format slot, cost, item, how much you get, "name of item")  when you put the name of the item you need quotes 
    function shop(p: player, i: integer, c: integer, it: itemtype, a: integer, m: string):
        format gui slot {_i} of {_p} with {_a} of {_it} named "%{_m}%" with lore "&a%{_c}%" to run:
            if {_p}'s balance is greater than {_c}:
                remove {_c} from {_p}'s balance
                give {_a} of {_it} to {_p}
                send action bar "&d@{prefix} &aPurchase Completed." to {_p}
                send action bar "&d@{prefix} &cPurchase Failed." to {_p}
    # Made By Disassembled And RonskiYT <3
    # If Needed For Further Questions Add Me On Discord Zaytrix#3763

    If you still need help dm me or reply i will be active on here for a bit

  4. @Wolfeee_ i looked back into the skript and i found 1 thing you are missing! I found that you are messing when the player destroy's the block it doesn't remove 1 from gencaps 

    on break of hay block:
    	cancel event
    	give player 1 hay block named "&7Generator"
    	remove 1 from {gens::%player's uuid%}
    	send "&aYou Broke A &6&lWheat &aGenerator!" #Optional I Just Prefer this to make it look neater but can get messy when breaking alot of gens :D

    i wrote that in the forum code so it could be wrong

    • Like 1
  5. Hey, i was wondering how i can reset player data so that means it removes all the player's ranks and clears enderchests and stuff like that how would i be able to accomplish this?

  6. Hi Im a New Skripter and alot of people would want to have something like this so i made it! Note: If your using luckperms or pex Change the manuadd %player% to pex add or whatever the commands are for luckperms and pex anyways here is the skript Edit: I added a customizable option to the ranks so you can deny or confirm it I Will No Longer Update this Post as the Skript Is Finshed.

    command /grant [<player>]:
    	permission: grant.player
    		if arg 1 is set:
    			send "&7>>&a&lOpening Grant Menu!&7<<"
    			open virtual chest inventory with 4 rows named "&c&lGrant %arg-1%" to player
    			format gui slot 10 of player with gray terracotta named "&7Default" to run:
    				open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&7&lDefault" to player
    				format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run:
    					execute console command "/manuadd %player% Default"
    					send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &aDefault"
    				format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close
    			format gui slot 12 of player with yellow terracotta named "&6&lHelper" to run:
    				open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&6&lHelper" to player
    				format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run:
    					execute console command "/manuadd %player% Helper"
    					send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &6Helper"
    				format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close
    			format gui slot 14 of player with green terracotta named "&a&lBuilder" to run:
    				open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&a&lBuilder" to player
    				format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run:
    					execute console command "/manuadd %player% Builder"
    					send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &aBuilder"
    				format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close
    			format gui slot 16 of player with pink terracotta named "&d&lModerator" to run:
    				open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&d&lModerator" to player
    				format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run:
    					execute console command "/manuadd %player% Moderator"
    					send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &dModerator"
    				format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close
    			format gui slot 20 of player with purple terracotta named "&5&lSr.Mod" to run:
    				open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&5&lSr.Mod" to player
    				format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run:
    					execute console command "/manuadd %player% Sr.Mod"
    					send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &5Sr.Mod"
    				format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close
    			format gui slot 22 of player with light blue terracotta named "&b&lAdmin" to run:
    				open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&b&lAdmin" to player
    				format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run:
    					execute console command "/manuadd %player% Admin"
    					send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &bAdmin"
    				format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close
    			format gui slot 24 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lOwner" to run:
    				open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&c&lOwner" to player
    				format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run:
    					execute console command "/manuadd %player% Owner"
    					send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &cOwner"
    				format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close
    			send "&7[&c&l!&7] &cYou Need To Specify A Player Silly!"
    function chest(p: player):
    	set {_x} to 0
    	loop 54 times:
    		format gui slot {_x} of {_p} with black glass pane named " " to do nothing
    		add 1 to {_x}
    # Made by e8p Im A New Skripter Trying To Get My Self Out There!
  7. So i run my skript and i get successfully loaded menu.sk which is a menu skript to open a chest inventory etc. But when i do /menu i get "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command." i tried renaming the file, change the command name but nothing is working i even force restarted my server to nothing and its still happening can anyone help?


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