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Everything posted by Swacco

  1. you need to indent after spectator:
  2. on fish: if fishing state is "CAUGHT_FISH": cancel event drop 1 diamond You need MORKAZSK addon for this
  3. on break: if player has permission "op": break block else: cancel event uhhhhh here u go
  4. you go to a world named clicker if you dont have one just rename "clicker" to "world"
  5. I do like the concept of this but it won't work, the flight one for exampling there is so many fake flights such as ghost blocks that will be detected as flying
  6. options: confirm: &7[&a!&7] deny: &7[&c!&7] command /setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to player's location send "{@confirm} &aSpawn Set Successfully" to player command /spawn: trigger: teleport the player to {spawn} send "{@confirm} &6Entering Spawn..." command /setsafe: permission: safe.control trigger: set {safe.loc} to player's location command /safe: trigger: teleport the player to {safe.loc} send "{@confirm} &aYou have entered Safe Mode." to player set {safe.true} to true command /unsafe: trigger: if {safe.true} is false: send "{@deny} &6You can't leave something you are not in." to player stop if {safe.true} is true: teleport the player to {spawn} send "{@confirm} &6You have left safe mode." to player set {safe.true} to false coming back into skripting after like two years of not doing it but, this is what i came up with if you wanna learn something from it.
  7. Thanks i will try to do that into the future im just used to doing greater than! Thanks for the tip
  8. on right click with stick: add 1 to player's balance i can really just help you with that it adds 1 to their balance
  9. options: prefix: YourServerNameHere command /shop: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "hi" to player shop(player, 10, 300, Grass Block, 4, "&aGrass Block") #shop(player, format slot, cost, item, how much you get, "name of item") when you put the name of the item you need quotes function shop(p: player, i: integer, c: integer, it: itemtype, a: integer, m: string): format gui slot {_i} of {_p} with {_a} of {_it} named "%{_m}%" with lore "&a%{_c}%" to run: if {_p}'s balance is greater than {_c}: remove {_c} from {_p}'s balance give {_a} of {_it} to {_p} send action bar "&d@{prefix} &aPurchase Completed." to {_p} else: send action bar "&d@{prefix} &cPurchase Failed." to {_p} # Made By Disassembled And RonskiYT <3 # If Needed For Further Questions Add Me On Discord Zaytrix#3763 If you still need help dm me or reply i will be active on here for a bit
  10. @Wolfeee_ i looked back into the skript and i found 1 thing you are missing! I found that you are messing when the player destroy's the block it doesn't remove 1 from gencaps on break of hay block: cancel event give player 1 hay block named "&7Generator" remove 1 from {gens::%player's uuid%} send "&aYou Broke A &6&lWheat &aGenerator!" #Optional I Just Prefer this to make it look neater but can get messy when breaking alot of gens :D i wrote that in the forum code so it could be wrong
  11. Swacco


    Yeah i tried clearing usercache and my enderchest still had items in it so i was confused.
  12. Swacco


    Hey, i was wondering how i can reset player data so that means it removes all the player's ranks and clears enderchests and stuff like that how would i be able to accomplish this?
  13. if this gets locked ily mom and @Wolfeee_ for helping players
  14. Every time i try to edit the crate winnings in game it says the feature is disabled any help?
  15. Swacco

    need skript

    or like in a radius of 3 chunks or something cause players near plots would lag alot if people build big cactus farms which people really wont want.
  16. Swacco

    need skript

    can i like cancel particles? so the particles cant cause lag / fps drops cause farm server me do?
  17. Swacco

    need skript

    make so block like cacti turns into stained glass cause less lag like command /togglecactus ok thx
  18. Could of did command creeper: trigger: ban player
  19. Hi Im a New Skripter and alot of people would want to have something like this so i made it! Note: If your using luckperms or pex Change the manuadd %player% to pex add or whatever the commands are for luckperms and pex anyways here is the skript Edit: I added a customizable option to the ranks so you can deny or confirm it I Will No Longer Update this Post as the Skript Is Finshed. command /grant [<player>]: permission: grant.player trigger: if arg 1 is set: send "&7>>&a&lOpening Grant Menu!&7<<" open virtual chest inventory with 4 rows named "&c&lGrant %arg-1%" to player chest(player) format gui slot 10 of player with gray terracotta named "&7Default" to run: open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&7&lDefault" to player chest(player) format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run: execute console command "/manuadd %player% Default" send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &aDefault" format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close format gui slot 12 of player with yellow terracotta named "&6&lHelper" to run: open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&6&lHelper" to player chest(player) format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run: execute console command "/manuadd %player% Helper" send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &6Helper" format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close format gui slot 14 of player with green terracotta named "&a&lBuilder" to run: open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&a&lBuilder" to player chest(player) format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run: execute console command "/manuadd %player% Builder" send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &aBuilder" format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close format gui slot 16 of player with pink terracotta named "&d&lModerator" to run: open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&d&lModerator" to player chest(player) format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run: execute console command "/manuadd %player% Moderator" send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &dModerator" format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close format gui slot 20 of player with purple terracotta named "&5&lSr.Mod" to run: open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&5&lSr.Mod" to player chest(player) format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run: execute console command "/manuadd %player% Sr.Mod" send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &5Sr.Mod" format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close format gui slot 22 of player with light blue terracotta named "&b&lAdmin" to run: open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&b&lAdmin" to player chest(player) format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run: execute console command "/manuadd %player% Admin" send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &bAdmin" format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close format gui slot 24 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lOwner" to run: open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&c&lOwner" to player chest(player) format gui slot 11 of player with green terracotta named "&c&lConfirm" to run: execute console command "/manuadd %player% Owner" send "&7[&c&l!&7] &aGiving &c&l%player% &cOwner" format gui slot 15 of player with red terracotta named "&c&lDeny" to close else: send "&7[&c&l!&7] &cYou Need To Specify A Player Silly!" function chest(p: player): set {_x} to 0 loop 54 times: format gui slot {_x} of {_p} with black glass pane named " " to do nothing add 1 to {_x} # Made by e8p Im A New Skripter Trying To Get My Self Out There!
  20. Here is a screenshot of the whole skript
  21. So i run my skript and i get successfully loaded menu.sk which is a menu skript to open a chest inventory etc. But when i do /menu i get "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command." i tried renaming the file, change the command name but nothing is working i even force restarted my server to nothing and its still happening can anyone help?
  22. Nrymarjr Please post this in Community Support section but i believe if you do /whitelist on no players can join.
  23. I dont think there is. But i can give you a reason why the servers shut down. I think the servers shut down so minehut won't get alot of chaos from the servers? if that makes sense to you?
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