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Posts posted by colorblindcolin

  1. 1 hour ago, Sg11 said:

    So basically are there qny extra steps to take for crossplay between bedrock and java?

    To connect to Minehut from Bedrock, do the following:

    1. Add a server with the default port and the IP bedrock.minehut.com

    2. Connect to said server

    3. Join a server from the hub using /join (You can't connect directly to specific Minehut servers)


    And that's pretty much it 🙂

  2. If your Minecraft launcher is not cracked, it seems as if the best way to fix it is as follows:

    "You may need to refresh your login session. To do this, click "Switch Users" in the launcher, and logout. After this, log back in, and try the game again."

    Although you've stated that you've tried this, maybe give it one more shot and follow these instructions directly.
    I'm not really sure what else could be causing the issue.


    Good luck!

  3. On 1/25/2021 at 3:26 PM, bluegreen172 said:

    Have the same problem

    As was previously mentioned, Minehut's Geyser is most definitely not prioritized. Just wait, fool around a little, reload things etc. 

    It should resolve within time, it is unfortunate but you'll have to make do.

  4. 6 hours ago, ChillePokeTY123 said:
    I cant seem to make this skript work, It wont add the money to my balance, And the {_total} keeps showing up as 0
    command /sell:
            set {_inventory} to {bag::%player's uuid%}
            add {_inventory}*{multiplier::%player's balance%} to player's balance and {_total}
            send "{@p} &6You have sold your whole bag &8| &a+ %{_total}%"
            wait 1 second
            set {bag::%player's uuid%} to 0


    What does the bag variable contain?

  5. 6 hours ago, schaut04 said:

    I play minecraft java and my friend who plays bedrock can’t join me, we tried everything like the IP adresses 19123 or direct add, we tried adding bedrock.minehut.com but he can’t join. What do i do

    Minehut's bedrock isn't the most reliable. I recommend waiting and trying again soon.

  6. 2 hours ago, servercrashed3243 said:

    ok so,i summoned in 9 trillion rails,and the server keeps crashing as soon as i join i tried using /kill @e[type=item] but it doesnt work,whether im in the server or not,i dont want to reset the server,but is there anyway i can fix this?

    From your console on the Minehut panel, you can execute /minecraft:kill @e[type=rail]

    This will clear all active rail entities.

    You may need to do this immediately after starting the server.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, catsrule3265 said:

    so when some one reaches lvl 5,7,10,13,15,17,19,21,24,26.28,30 they get a paper renamed to:&6Lvl up Token and after lvl 30 reset xp lvl back to 0. also a script that disables enderman teleports would be nice but not required

    on levelup:
    	if the player's exp level is 5 or 7 or (insert the other numbers here):
    		give player shiny paper named "&6Lvl up Token"
    	else if the player's exp level is 30:
    		set the player's exp level to 0
    		give player shiny paper named "&6Lvl up Token"


  8. 28 minutes ago, Pivit15 said:

    I am playing a server and it says in the chat ground items despawning all the time. So when I die I always lose my things. How do I disable that

    Do you own the specified server?
    If so, it's most likely a plugin called ClearLag.

    You can disable the consistent item despawning in the configuration files, but if you don't want it you may as well simply delete the plugin as it doesn't help a basic survival server anyway.

  9. Pretty sure they're already aware, Geyser gets mentioned quite often.

    I think we should all just be patient, it isn't their priority at the moment and I assume they're quite busy 🙂


  10. To make it easier to manage, you can always save the location as a variable. This will make it simpler to work with overall.



    command /setloc:
    	permission: location.set
    	permission message: &cYou are not permitted to execute the specified command!
    		set {loc} to the player's location
    		send "&aSuccessfully set the location!" to player
    command /NWH:
    		teleport player to {loc}
    		send "&aTeleporting to the Nether Warp Hub!" to player


    Hope this helps!

  11. 10 hours ago, quick007 said:

    actually seems like the servers don't need it, only the players as long as they have the mod installed

    Meaning people would still have to have it installed, rendering it almost useless addition considering I’ve never heard of it and and I doubt the majority of Minehut has it so-

  12. The way I would approach this situation step by step would be to:

    1. Head to your server's dashboard and head to the console input.

    2. Execute the command /minecraft:kill @e[type=dirt]

    If this doesn't work immediately, stop and start the server and execute it again.

    Hope this was of any use!

  13. 1 minute ago, TroutBoy69 said:

    Keep getting this message. Wont let me join from direct server on my multiplayer page at all, joined generic minehut only to get the same message when I try to /join. Has been going on for an hour or so now with no change. Help Minehut!!!!!

    Minehut is currently experiencing some issues. I'm not completely aware what they may be and what the effects are, all I know is that if you are having some setbacks I assume they will be fixed soon.

  14. Quote from the official Bukkit description of the specified plugin:

    "This plugin requires Players to install the MorePlayerModels mod
    Without moreplayermodels you wont see eachother sit, sleep, dance, hug or love or any of the model changes"


    This indicates that the Plugin will not function without the mod and visa-versa, meaning because Minehut doesn't support mods this plugin would be worthless.

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