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  1. LielXD

    SkyWars Plugin

    Hello ?some attention plz ?
  2. try to do [execute player command "tempmutegui %arg% Hatespeech 30d"]
  3. LielXD

    SkyWars Plugin

    yes i agree with you!
  4. LielXD

    SkyWars Plugin

    there is no Skywars Plugin for 1.15 so here is skywars plugin for 1.15 and its very good plugin pleaseeee add this ↓ https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skywarsreloaded-updated-huge-fixes-1-15-support-new-features-1-8x-1-15x.69436/
  5. SkyWars Plugin Isn't working. version 1.15.2
  6. this plugin is easy to use and easy to learn it. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/command-panels-custom-guis.67788/
  7. LielXD

    DeluxeHub Plugin

    This is the most beatiful and easy to use. must to add it ! https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/deluxehub-3-professional-hub-management-1-8-1-15.49425/
  8. i created a shop only to vip and the default rank can access without permissions the default rank didnt see the item but they can click it and then they have access to all vip staff im using permissionex and essentials and guishop sorry for the bad english....
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