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Everything posted by notminehut

  1. notminehut

    Add IConomy

    Seems like this plugin hasn't been updated in 5 years, it will not be added to Minehut.
  2. Here is a 1.17 build on their GitHub: https://github.com/Jikoo/OpenInv/releases/tag/4.1.8
  3. Hey! Welcome to the Minehut Forums.
  4. Hey! Welcome back to the Minehut Forums.
  5. Hey! Welcome to the Minehut Forums.
  6. notminehut


    Hey! Welcome to the Minehut Forums.
  7. Here is one of my old economy scripts, you can look at the code and it should help: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/economy-skript.69566/
  8. There is just so many things wrong with this. Are you trying to make the variables player specific? You need to make variables such as {ban::%arg-1's uuid%}
  9. notminehut

    Why Spigot

    They use Paper for 1.16.5, Paper does not yet exist for 1.17. I'm sure when it does get released they'll use that.
  10. You can also vote for free credits, check this tutorial out: https://minehut.xyz/faq/minehut/voting
  11. We need your latest.log, send them, here's a tutorial: https://minehut.xyz/faq/panel/logs
  12. Due to the fact I've never played a version later than 1.12, I don't know if this is a Minehut or just Minecraft issue, try watching this video?
  13. Use the command /worlds to see if you're in a different world. Also, make sure nobody changed the world/level name on the file manager, and if they did change it, reset it back to whatever it was called before, normally it is named world.
  14. If you cannot restore your backup, please create a ticket and explain your issue & hopefully it can be sorted there: https://minehut.com/support/form
  15. Whenever trying to activate your server, are you able to access the File Manager? If so, try to grab your latest.log and send it here. Here's a tutorial incase you're not familiar in how to get access to your logs: https://minehut.xyz/faq/panel/logs
  16. notminehut

    hola no se que hacer

    Follow this tutorial in order to link your account: https://minehut.xyz/faq/minehut/account-linking // Siga este tutorial para vincular su cuenta: https://minehut.xyz/faq/minehut/account-linking
  17. notminehut

    Generator Server

    If it's not working, contact Minehut Support @ https://minehut.com/support/form
  18. This would probably be better suited for the Skript Section, however I believe your best bet would be using the effect `add (amount) to (player)'s balance`, which just uses the default Vault & Essentials economy.
  19. Me and a few other people used an Skript exploit to get our servers to the top of the player list and I changed my MOTD's to #fixminehutlag,
  20. Do you think I could wait this one out?
  21. Yes I'm not stupid I know your issue, and for some reason resetting your password can fix it.
  22. If you have proof you can report the user [here].
  23. Minehut only supports .200 at this time for god knows what reason. Hope this helps.
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