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Everything posted by Baei

  1. Baei


    There are actually anti-cheat plugins you can install from the 'plugins' section of your server dashboard, like Matrix Anti-cheat or Phoenix Anti-cheat. These would definitely aid you in dealing with those pesky hackers owo
  2. Baei

    it will not load

    Going through the appropriate steps from this link might be of help to you https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015767134-My-server-won-t-start
  3. He was actually a furry owo
  4. Would love to see an anime lover like you on Minehut! owo
  5. I mean, if a server is really enjoyable there wouldn't be a need to pay players money in real life owo
  6. Baei

    0 tick farms

    It might be because HermitCraft is a vanilla server while Minehut is not.
  7. Baei

    Can't download world

    You could try watching this video to see if you have missed out on anything.
  8. If you don't have it installed then it might be a problem of low server tps or just high ping in general where you sometimes get teleported backwards a few blocks.
  9. Do you have World Guard installed?
  10. Baei

    Online map?

    I think the only way would be a Minecraft mod using Forge or Skript (not very sure because i don't skript). JourneyMap is a good mod to use.
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