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Everything posted by Krausehouse2

  1. like reset the world file or something
  2. I know this is a bit weird but I want my server to rollback to a certain save every 15min (so basically everything anyone does is undone every 15min) Anyone got an idea?
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRnjGJd1s014yZTc7CCBHGKj-bZ4NIdh6rcvf-JblRYmpyTfKiPIiCqdrMbPxpDN66bGKaPPXmotpPA/pub
  4. heres another timings with alot more time with players on: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=f0c94cd1084a4fe9a651f07fd84870a1
  5. I've been having some problems with memory overloads causing crashes and rollbacks. Upgrading my server plan to mh35 didn't seem to help much. I uninstalled unneeded plugins and cleaned up some files but I'm not sure if thats enough. I have 30 plugins and usually not more than 10 players online at once with a server render distance of 6. I took a look at my timings but tbh I have no clue what I'm looking at (I've read https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/timings/) Here is my timimgs https://timings.aikar.co/?id=4d03071531174301ac498470abfed09a If anyone can give some advise on how I could fix this I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
  6. I have essentials chat and vault but I don't know how to make it work Thanks for any help!
  7. I run a dupe server and someone decided to make a chunk ban right by spawn I have no idea how to get rid of it because I cant even join. any help would be appreciated. server is MHItems btw Thanks!
  8. WHY more complex than just that. Good luck ive been trying for hours
  9. My server wont start on 1.17 paper. If I set it to 1.18 it starts but then ProtocolSupport does not work and I cant join because I cant run 1.17 or 1.18 on my computer. I think ProtocolSupport needs to be on 1.17 to work but im not sure. So I need to get ether my server running on 1.17 or to get ProtocolSupport to run on 1.18. Any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW the server is MHitems oops i think I posted this twice sorry! Thanks! Krausehouse
  10. My server wont start on 1.17 paper. If I set it to 1.18 it starts but then ProtocolSupport does not work and I cant join because I cant run 1.17 or 1.18 on my computer. I think ProtocolSupport needs to be on 1.17 to work but im not sure. So I need to get ether my server running on 1.17 or to get ProtocolSupport to run on 1.18. Any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW the server is MHitems Thanks! Krausehouse
  11. here's a tnt shooter skript i made! naming a stick "tnt shooter" and right clicking it will shoot tnt (warning explodes) on right click holding a stick: name of tool is "tnt shooter": shoot tnt at speed 2.5 other uses on right click holding a diamond sword: name of tool is "Bow sword": shoot arrow at speed 2.5 on right click holding a stick: name of tool is "pig shooter": shoot pig at speed 2.5
  12. doesn't work i see the command but nothing happens when i use it i have skript do i need any other plugins?
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