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  1. Random item: options: prefix: &aRandom Items > item-every: 15 # one item every X amount of seconds toggle-command: /toggleitem # MUST HAVE A / AT THE BEGINNING on-message: &7Toggled &aon &7random items. off-message: &7Toggled &coff &7random items. every {@item-every} seconds: loop all players: if {toggleitems.%loop-player%} is true: give loop-player 1 of random items out of all items command {@toggle-command}: trigger: if {toggleitems.%player%} is true: set {toggleitems.%player%} to false send "{@prefix} {@off-message}" else: set {toggleitems.%player%} to true send "{@prefix} {@on-message}" Vanish: options: prefix: &cVANISH> vanish-permission: sk.vanish join-message: &7%player% joined! leave-message: &7%player% left. command /vanish: permission: {@vanish-permission} trigger: if {vanish.%player%} is true: set {vanish.%player%} to false broadcast "{@join-message}" reveal player to all players add 1 to {players.online} loop all players: if loop-player has permission "{@vanish-permission}": send "&a&lStaff &8▪ &a%player% &7unvanished." to loop-player else: set {vanish.%player%} to true broadcast "{@leave-message}" hide player from all players remove 1 from {players.online} loop all players: if loop-player has permission "sk.vanish": send "{@prefix} &a%player% &7vanished." to loop-player reveal player to loop-players
  2. mj80

    All Die plugin

    on death of player: kill all players Try using the plugin Skript. Instructions: Install the plugin Skript File manager > Skript > scripts > Create a new file named "alldie.sk" Open alldie.sk and paste the code block on the top of this post. let me know if it doesnt work.
  3. Pretty sure you don't need an addon for that. on any movement: # code
  4. mj80

    Downloading Files

    Is there any way that I can download all of my server files? I'm moving to a localhost for a few weeks, and I want the files and worlds.
  5. If the world you are trying to load is one of the ones with spaces, change them to underscores ( _ ). I'm pretty sure if you type "My World" it'll only search for the world "My".
  6. mj80

    Broke my server?

    Not sure if this works, but try doing '/clear [USERNAME]' with the Minehut Console. Tell me if that works/doesnt work.
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