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Everything posted by Ryaify

  1. its .75 stronger than the lvl 50 sword
  2. it shouldnt be stronger than the max sword lvl
  3. how about u make it so u nerf the scythe its sharp 20 and its more op than the wither sword instead of you know new bounty system to make it harder to streak
  4. What Type Do You Guys Like Leave A Comment Saying what type you like and like the type you like. I like PvP Ones
  5. Ryaify


    this is my opinion
  6. Ryaify


    Coinz Should get Featured next week Because 1 Its Super fun and 2 It’s not p2w As much as other server and 3 It’s Unique In A good way
  7. Ryaify

    Bruh I am so done

    Ok But How Is this asking for help
  8. Peaceful mode or To much or to little Light
  9. Who Is Ryaifys But Whoever it is Thanks

  10. Ryaify

    I cant join my server

    It might be because your in 1.8 I’ve had similar problems to it’s just how it is
  11. Count As High As You Can Before A Staff Member Comments. but to make it fair the same staff member cant Stop the counting again untill a new staff member stops it.
  12. Ryaify


    Todays My Birth day And i want to get Number one in likes for today pls
  13. Ryaify


    minehut is A good server And i think it should be more popular
  14. Ryaify

    Kitier Is Unfair

    i cant im also try to spread awareness and dont join It. they dont
  15. So i was Banned and lost my mod rank because i called the co owner a 12 year old with perms And kick form the discord Help
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