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Everything posted by itzblackhere

  1. Hello Can some one help me with my skript, im trying to set slot of block in specific coordinates with an item i want here is my skriptL command /close: permission: sussyKey trigger: set slot 0 of block at -311, 68, 448 to 63 paper named "&r&k887766" that's won't work?
  2. command /setarea1: permission: setarea.use permission message: &cSorry, &oNo. trigger: set {area1} to player's location send "&aYou've successfully set the are location 1." to player command /setarea2: permission: setarea.use permission message: &cSorry, &oNo. trigger: set {area2} to player's location send "&aYou've successfully set the are location 2." to player command /delarea: permission: setarea.use permission message: &cSorry, &oNo. trigger: if {area1} is set: if {area2} is set: delete {area1} delete {area2} send "&cYou've deleted the area location." to player else: send "&cThe area location isn't set." to player command /cleararea: trigger: set {area1} to unix timestamp of now execute console command "clone %{area1.%player%}% %{area2.%player%}% air" set {_time} to (unix timestamp of now - {area1}) * 1000 send "&7Area cleared."
  3. this was old skript check this command /food: trigger: give player 64 cooked beef
  4. re install the plugin
  5. on hold of dirt: if player aim at grass block: setblock glass at aim of player on rightclick on glass: if player is holding dirt: set event-glass to air place dirt:
  6. easy download old combat 1.8 plugin and add the skript on damage: if attacker is a player: if victim is a player: set maximum damage delay of victim to 2 tick
  7. if you are using normal minecraft command /potion: trigger: console command "/give %player% potion{CustomPotionColor:16718929,display:{Name:'[{"text":"Potion of Healing","italic":false}]'},CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:6,Duration:1,Amplifier:1}]} 1" if you are using essentials command /potion: trigger: console command "/minecraft:give %player% potion{CustomPotionColor:16718929,display:{Name:'[{"text":"Potion of Healing","italic":false}]'},CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:6,Duration:1,Amplifier:1}]} 1"
  8. i have a problem with this code on inventory click: if index of event-slot = 11: cancel event if player's inventory contains 8 nether star named "&9&lDEATH TOKEN": remove 8 nether star from player's inventory give player 1 iron sword give player 1 bow give player 16 arrow give player 16 cooked beef give player 1 iron helmet give player 1 iron chestplate give player 1 iron leggings give player 1 iron boots else: send "&cYou Don't Have Enough Tokens" to player its says on inventory click thats mean on any inventory click not on the gui click when i click on slot 11 in my inventory its give me kit i just want when slot 11 on the gui clicked not my invintory slot click
  9. hello can some one fix my skript pls i want to make it if player has diamond give item but if player doesn't have diamond don't give item on inventory click: if index of event-slot = 11: cancel event remove 8 diamonds from player's inventory give player 1 dirt else: if player doesn't have 8 diamond send "&cYou Don't Have Enough Diamonds" to player Full Skript command /shop: trigger: set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 row with name "&a&lShop" set slot 11 of {_gui} to iron chestplate named "&f&lIron Kit" with lore "&b&l8 Diamonds" open {_gui} to player on inventory click: if index of event-slot = 11: cancel event remove 8 diamonds from player's inventory give player 1 dirt else: if player doesn't have 8 diamond send "&cYou Don't Have Enough Diamonds" to player
  10. yea but i can't vote every day to get legend rank bruh i just want vip good
  11. oh so sad did you changed server Version or anything? your server must be corrupted
  12. hello guys can some one help me why my skript not working on join: if gamemode of player is spectator: console command "/tp %player% -249 124 66" wait 1 second console command "/gamemode survival %player%" else: cancel event
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