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Posts posted by zKoro

  1. Use the plugin Sk-Perm. Here is an example:

    command /rank [<offline player>] [<text>]:
        permission: perm.node
        permission message: &cYou do not have permission
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    add arg 1 to group arg 2
                    send formatted "&aSuccessfully added &f%arg 1% &ato group &f%(capitalized arg 2)%"
                    send formatted "&aYour group has been set to &f%(capitalized arg 2)% &aby &f%player%" to arg 1
                    send formatted "&cIncorrect Usage! /rank (player) (text)"
                send formatted "&cIncorrect Usage! /rank (player) (text)"

    Please let me know if this doesn't work in a reply to this thread 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  2. Check your logs, they might contain a reason as to why your server is crashing. Your logs can be found in the File Manager or by running the command /dl logs in game.

  3. To add yourself and other players to a group, run the command /lp user (player) parent set (group). In terms of your permission question, if you search for a list of permissions for a certain plugin online, you should be able to find the node(s) you are looking for.

  4. Check your logs, they might have contain an error as to why the command isn't working for you. You can access your logs in your File Manager or by running the command /dl logs on your server 🙂

  5. You can use the plugin ProtocolSupport or ViaVersion. Please note that you need the following plugins in order to use ViaVersion

    - ViaVersion - Base Plugin
    - ViaBackwards - Support from 1.9+
    - ViaRewind - Support from 1.8-1.8.8

    Also just want to point out that this category is for advertising your Minehut Server, if you need help with anything then head over to the Community Support category 🙂


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