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Posts posted by zKoro

  1. 7 minutes ago, incrediblehulkhoga said:

    Im having an issue that says my server is online and running but I always get kicked to minehuts main server lobby. Ive tried to join my server multiple different ways as well as stopping and restarting the server and my pc but no matter what I try I just keep getting redirected to minehuts main lobby instead of my own server. the funny thing is Ive had no problems with this until today, everything was working fine up to yesterday.

    Many other people have experienced this issue, and I'm assuming that it's due to the 1.15 update, I don't believe there is a fix

  2. Reply to this thread with your server logs, as there may be something that's causing your server errors. To get your server logs, run the command /dl log on your server. Alternatively, you can check the logs folder in your File Manager

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  3. 2 hours ago, Endgator said:

    Ok ill try also you you know why my skrip for a bossbar isn't working 


    on join:
      create bossbar titled "&2&lWelcome &6%player's uuid%" and id "welcome.%player's uuid%" for player with 
    progress 100 with colors green
      wait 5 ticks
      loop 100 times:
        set {_Value} to value of bossbar "welcome.%player's uuid%"
        remove 1 from {_Value}
        set bossbar "welcome.%player's uuid%" value to {_Value}
        wait 3 ticks
      remove bossbar "welcome.%player's uuid%"

    IDK if you'll know but it is worth a shot.

    Fixed it for you. You've pressed enter at 'progress 100 with colors green". If this still has errors, then I suggest asking in the #skript channel in the MH Discord

    on join:
      create bossbar titled "&2&lWelcome &6%player's uuid%" and id "welcome.%player's uuid%" for player with progress 100 with colors green
      wait 5 ticks
      loop 100 times:
        set {_Value} to value of bossbar "welcome.%player's uuid%"
        remove 1 from {_Value}
        set bossbar "welcome.%player's uuid%" value to {_Value}
        wait 3 ticks
      remove bossbar "welcome.%player's uuid%"


    • Thanks 1
  4. Here is a simple ranks script. 

    command /rank [<offline player>] [<string>]:
            if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "owner" or "manager" or "admin":
                if arg 1 is set:
                    if arg 2 is set:
                        if arg 2 is not {rank::%uuid of arg 1%}:
                            if arg 2 is "srmod" or "mod" or "trmod" or "default":
                                set {rank::%uuid of arg 1%} to arg 2
                                send "&9Assigned rank &7%arg 2% &9for &3%arg 1%"
                                send "&9Your rank has been set to &7%arg 2% &9by &3%executor%" to arg 1
                            else if arg 2 is "admin":
                                if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "manager" or "owner":
                                    send "&9Assigned rank &7%arg 2% &9for &3%arg 1%"
                                    send "&9Your rank has been set to &7%arg 2% &9by &3%executor%" to arg 1
                                    set {rank::%uuid of arg 1%} to "admin"
                                    send "&cYou cannot set someone's rank to that"
                            else if arg 2 is "manager":
                                if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "owner":
                                    set {rank::%uuid of arg 1%} to "manager"
                                    send "&9Assigned rank &7%arg 2% &9for &3%arg 1%"
                                    send "&9Your rank has been set to &7%arg 2% &9by &3%executor%" to arg 1
                                    send "&cYou cannot set someone's rank to that"
                            else if arg 2 is "owner":
                                if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "owner":
                                    set {rank::%uuid of arg 1%} to "owner"
                                    send "&9Assigned rank &7%arg 2% &9for &3%arg 1%"
                                    send "&9Your rank has been set to &7%arg 2% &9by &3%executor%" to arg 1
                                    send "&cYou cannot set someone's rank to that"
                                send "&cThat is not a valid rank"
                            send "&cThat player already has that rank"
                        send "&c/rank <player> <rank (owner, manager, srmod, mod, trmod, default)>"
                    send "&c/rank <player> <rank (owner, manager, srmod, mod, trmod, default)>"        
                send "&cYou do not have permission"
    on first join: 
        set {rank::%uuid of player%} to "default" where [{rank::%uuid of player%} is not set]
    on chat:
        if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "owner":
            set chat format to "&8[&cOwner&8] &7%player% &8» &f%colored message%"
        if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "manager":
            set chat format to "&8[&5Manager&8] &7%player% &8» &f%colored message%"
        if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "admin":
            set chat format to "&8[&cAdmin&8] &7%player% &8» &f%colored message%"
        if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "srmod":
            set chat format to "&8[&eSenior Mod&8] &7%player% &8» &f%message%"
        if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "mod":
            set chat format to "&8[&eMod&8] &7%player% &8» &f%message%"
        if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "trmod":
            set chat format to "&8[&eTrial Mod&8] &7%player% &8» &f%message%"
        if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "default":
            set chat format to "&8[&7Default&8] &7%player% &8» &f%message%"
  5. On 12/3/2019 at 3:34 AM, Endgator said:

    0 o 0 that;s awesome I could never do something like that, how can I use this on my server since you said it only works on urs? (I use PerrmissionsEX if that helps, idk)

    I don't know if you'd be able to have the prefixes, correct me if I'm wrong someone. All you need to do is remove the {rank::%uuid of player%} variables and declare your permission node above the trigger. You could change the first line to "if player has permission "node"

  6. Here is a simple staff chat script. This only works for my server because it works with my custom rank system. However, you can alter the script to your desire 🙂

    command /staffchat [<string>]:
        aliases: /sc
            if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "owner" or "manager" or "admin" or "srmod" or "mod" or "trmod":
                if arg 1 is set:
                    if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "owner":
                        send "&8[&9STAFF&8] &8[&cOwner&8] &7%executor% &8» &f%arg 1%" to all players where [{rank::%uuid of input%} is "owner" or "admin" or "manager" or "srmod" or "mod" or "trmod"]
                    if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "admin":
                        send "&8[&9STAFF&8] &8[&cAdmin&8] &7%executor% &8» &f%arg 1%" to all players where [{rank::%uuid of input%} is "owner" or "admin" or "manager" or "srmod" or "mod" or "trmod"]
                    if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "manager":
                        send "&8[&9STAFF&8] &8[&5Manager&8] &7%executor% &8» &f%arg 1%" to all players where [{rank::%uuid of input%} is "owner" or "admin" or "manager" or "srmod" or "mod" or "trmod"]
                    if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "srmod":
                        send "&8[&9STAFF&8] &8[&eSenior Mod&8] &7%executor% &8» &f%arg 1%" to all players where [{rank::%uuid of input%} is "owner" or "admin" or "manager" or "srmod" or "mod" or "trmod"]
                    if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "mod":
                        send "&8[&9STAFF&8] &8[&eMod&8] &7%executor% &8» &f%arg 1%" to all players where [{rank::%uuid of input%} is "owner" or "admin" or "manager" or "srmod" or "mod" or "trmod"]
                    if {rank::%uuid of executor%} is "trmod":
                        send "&8[&9STAFF&8] &8[&eTrial Mod&8] &7%executor% &8» &f%arg 1%" to all players where [{rank::%uuid of input%} is "owner" or "admin" or "manager" or "srmod" or "mod" or "trmod"]
                    send "&cPlease specify a message"
                send "&cYou do not have permission"
    on chat:
        if {rank::%uuid of player%} is "owner" or "manager" or "admin" or "srmod" or "mod" or "trmod":
            if message starts with "*":
                cancel event
                set {_m} to last (length of message - 1) characters of message
                execute player command "/sc %{_m}%"


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