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Everything posted by 1v1me1234

  1. Observant RisefulSMP Skript

    hey i need help making a skript this is what i did its so bad

    on join:


     give %player%

     amtheyst shard named "Quirk shard"

     on use:

     give player amtheyst shard named "&cmaster shard" 

    effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand

     10% chance

    give player amtheyst shard named "&c op shard" 

    effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand

     10% chance

    give player amtheyst shard named "&cfire shard" 

    effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand

     10% chance

    give player amtheyst shard named "&c strength shard" 

    effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand

     10% chance

  2. hey i need help making a skript this is what i did its so bad on join: trigger: give %player% amtheyst shard named "Quirk shard" on use: give player amtheyst shard named "&cmaster shard" effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand 10% chance give player amtheyst shard named "&c op shard" effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand 10% chance give player amtheyst shard named "&cfire shard" effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand 10% chance give player amtheyst shard named "&c strength shard" effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand 10% chance
  3. how to make a random kit skript


    this is what i got from enalecks



    1. on spawn:
    2. execute console command "/clear %player%"
    3. chance of 10%:
    4. execute console command "/kit 1 %player%"
    5. chance of 10%:
    6. execute console command "/kit 2 %player%"
    7. chance of 10%:
    8. execute console command "/kit 3 %player%"
    9. chance of 10%:
    10. execute console command "/kit 4 %player%"
    11. chance of 10%:
    12. execute console command "/kit 5 %player%"
    13. chance of 10%:
    14. execute console command "/kit 6 %player%"
    15. chance of 10%:
    16. execute console command "/kit 7 %player%"
    17. chance of 10%:
    18. execute console command "/kit 8 %player%"
    19. chance of 10%:
    20. execute console command "/kit 9 %player%"
    21. chance of 10%:
    22. execute console command "/kit 10 %player%"
    24. on join:
    25. execute console command "/clear %player%"
    26. chance of 10%:
    27. execute console command "/kit 1 %player%"
    28. chance of 10%:
    29. execute console command "/kit 2 %player%"
    30. chance of 10%:
    31. execute console command "/kit 3 %player%"
    32. chance of 10%:
    33. execute console command "/kit 4 %player%"
    34. chance of 10%:
    35. execute console command "/kit 5 %player%"
    36. chance of 10%:
    37. execute console command "/kit 6 %player%"
    38. chance of 10%:
    39. execute console command "/kit 7 %player%"
    40. chance of 10%:
    41. execute console command "/kit 8 %player%"
    42. chance of 10%:
    43. execute console command "/kit 9 %player%"
    44. chance of 10%:
    45. execute console command "/kit 10 %player%"
    46. it doesnt work
  4. how do u skript this


    when somone joins the server they get a book n quil that wont sign and if they put a skript and press enter it runs the skript on the game


  5. A new lifestealSmp DrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewXDrewX
  6. on first join:
     if {Joins::*} does not contain player's uuid:
      add iron pickaxe to player
      add iron sword to player
      add iron axe to player
      add iron helmet to player
      add iron chestplate to player
      add iron leggings to player
      add iron boots to player
      add player's uuid to {Joins::*}
      set join message to "&6%player% &9Joined the server for the first time do ./rtp to begin"



    its a starter skript

  7. hi guys i made a skript here it is



  8. I need help with my game i want to make it so they do ./points and then they get 1 only every hour and u can buy ranks like vip with points in a gui i have luckperms


    can somone skript it plz

    1. 1v1me1234


      can u add ./points and make it so they get it only 1 every hour u can buy some in a gui use luckperms to set them a rank


    2. 1v1me1234


      i  need help with a afk pit to that gives u goldencrates daily key every 5 minutes

  9. join lifes13alx cool server i need players im at 0 i need to make a popular server thanks minehut for this server hosting
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