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Everything posted by erha8

  1. no the main problem was that if you selected chatcolor it wouldn't change. this was because you forgot to add the main part, actually applying the colors. (this part) on chat: set chat format to "%display name of player% &7» %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%colored message%"
  2. erha8


    appeals are not on the forums anymore. go to https://minehut.com/support/form and select report/apeal and fil in the info.
  3. This code you sent will not work, nor is it very optimized. Here is a better remake! (its the same gui and everything) you are welcome to use this as you wish command /chatcolor: permission: chatcolor.use aliases: colorrchat, chatcolour, colourchat trigger: set metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to chest inventory with 4 rows named "&b&lChatcolours" set slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 25 and 26 and 27 and 28 and 29 and 30 and 31 and 32 and 33 and 34 and 35 and 36 and 37 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to brown stained glass pane named "&b&lGens" set slot 10 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to black stained glass pane named "&0Black" set slot 11 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to blue stained glass pane named "&1Dark Blue" set slot 12 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to green stained glass pane named "&2Dark Green" set slot 13 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to cyan stained glass pane named "&3Dark Aqua" set slot 14 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to purple stained glass pane named "&5Dark Purple" set slot 15 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to light Gray stained glass pane named "&7Light Gray" set slot 16 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to gray stained glass pane named "&8Dark Gray" set slot 19 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to blue stained glass pane named "&9Blue" set slot 20 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to lime stained glass pane named "&aGreen" set slot 21 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to light blue stained glass pane named "&bAqua" set slot 22 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to red stained glass pane named "&cRed" set slot 23 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to magenta stained glass pane named "&dLight Purple" set slot 24 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to yellow stained glass pane named "&eYellow" set slot 25 of metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player to white stained glass pane named "&fWhite" open (metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player) to player on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag "ChatColorGUI" of player): cancel event if index of event-slot is 10: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&0" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &0black&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 11: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&1" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &1dark blue&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 12: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&2" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &2dark green&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 13: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&3" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &3dark aqua&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 14: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&5" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &5dark purple&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 15: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&7" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &7light gray&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 16: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&8" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &8gray&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 19: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&9" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &9blue&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 20: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&a" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &agreen&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 21: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&b" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &baqua&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 22: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&c" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &cred&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 23: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&d" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &dlight purple&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 24: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&e" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &eyellow&a!" to player close player's inventory else if index of event-slot is 25: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&f" send "&aYour chat color has been set to &fwhite&a!" to player close player's inventory on join: if {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&f" on chat: set chat format to "%display name of player% &7» %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%colored message%"
  4. As i said, to create a group, just either use the name of the luckperms group you are using, or another name. And it will create it for you.
  5. worldguard: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldguard Tutorial:
  6. You can use commands like these (the image below) ingame. They work pretty simlar to luckperms, you have to create a group, and give the group prefixes. To create a group, you don't have to do a spesific command to do it. You just set the prefix of a name. For example /tab group Owner tagprefix "&cOwner&r" I believe this will link with luckperms if you just say the luckperms group.
  7. In a event like on join: you can use %player% to get the player. example: on first join: broadcast "&d%player% is joining for the first time!"
  8. disable cosmetics on panel and join with direct join (servername.minehut.gg)
  9. Your server is out of ram, try removing some plugins or delete the world if its really big.
  10. I recommend watching youtube tutorials for new plugins you havent used before. Here is one that I recomend for this topic:
  11. I recently found out how to play NoteBlockAPI songs (.nbs files) through skript, and it wasn't really easy, nor any tutorials about it. So thought I would share how you do it with you guys. Versions tested: 1.18.2 requirements: Skript, Skript-reflect, NoteBlockAPI command /playsong: permission: op trigger: set {_file2} to NBSDecoder.parse(new File("plugins/Songs/YourSongNameHere.nbs")) set {_song} to New RadioSongPlayer({_file2}) {_song}.setAutoDestroy(true) {_song}.addPlayer(player) {_song}.setPlaying(true) How to use: step 1: download all of the plugins listed above. step 2: Go into the plugins folder and create a new folder called "Songs" step: 3 Put the songs you want inside of that folder.( It has to be a .nbs file) How to create a .nbs file song: https://opennbs.org/ step 4: add the skript. step 5: in the line " set {_file2} to NBSDecoder.parse(new File("plugins/Songs/YourSongNameHere.nbs")) " edit YourSongNameHere to the name of the song you put inside the song folder step 6: Reload the skript, do /playsong, enjoy.
  12. I'm erha8 ig


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