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Everything posted by Bizaare

  1. Bizaare

    Essential plug-ins

    I would literally recommend the plugin "Essentials". This makes for a very neat addon to your server, including homes economy, warps, spawns, and more. I'd also recommend luckperms to configure roles, and Skript, to add some cool features to your server (you can find skripts on minehut forums, or other places, and has to be uploaded into the Skrip folder under a file name {file name}.sk)
  2. First, if you're not already, I would op yourself in Console, by running the command op {username}, without the right slash. If you're already opped, you should add the plugins Essentials, and EssentialsSpawn, and you'll be able to do /setspawn, and all under the default rank will have that set as a global spawn point. (Ranks are configurable with luckperms, and make for an easy way to set different spawns for different members of your server.)
  3. It would be awesome if someone would sell me a skript, or something similar, thanks : )
  4. Hey, I've been wondering about this one skript used on Valatic prisons, used to give players cells purchasing a rmb sign. I was wondering if there's a way to make it, so when they click the sign, a certain amount of balance is removed weekly, and they are added to a claim, and if they go below an amount they have, they lose permissions to the cell, until someone else purchases them.
  5. We fixed the problem! Thanks for your concerns, one (and the only) user who was trying to /ad had some internet problems that day, and minehut wouldn't let them do any commands and they were kicked every now and then. They had to join via ip. We tried it the next day, and it worked! Thanks for the info!
  6. I tried this with my friends, and it said they “don’t have permissions to advertise this server”
  7. Please help me figure this out. I'm trying to configure my server, and don't know how to give people perms to /ad. Do they need op?
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