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Posts posted by skFox

  1. 6 hours ago, skPnguin said:

    Man, i own 69 networks now and i make $69420 per minute.

    hmm, $36,387,187,200 per year be like


    if thats wrong than sue me

    or dont

    cuz i dont make $36,387,187,200 per year


    watch this video to find out how I made $36,387,187,20per year

    click me <--


    - quick edit -

    you need to watch the video for AT LEAST 20 seconds to learn.


    = second edit =

    its not a rick roll

  2. Hi, so I'm looking for a Skript that will work like this:


    /report <player/offline player> <reason1> <reason2> 

    Sends message to player who reported the other player "Your report against <player> for <reason> has been submitted to staff."

    Sends message to staff "<player> reported <player> for <reason>. Please check /reports!

    It'll save the report to a GUI, that shows

    <player> reported <player> for <reason>

    you can click on the report to show more options like

    respond to player (sends a message to the player if they are online or the next time they join notifying them "Your report of <player> has been seen by staff."

    Delete Report (self explanatory)

    I made a GUI that doesn't work, but what it could look like and how it could work.


    Also sorry that the videos have me bobbing up and down, I was in an AFK pool.


    Note: If you do make this, a punishment skript isn't necessary, just something that opens /punish [player] when you click on the item. (already have a skript for it lol)


    Video 1: Main GUI


    Video 2: If you click on a report/report information





  3. On 11/7/2021 at 6:10 AM, nolando09 said:

    I'm having a really bad time mentally and my life isn't going very well anymore I don't think I can get this done, sorry.. 

    I hope you're better soon! I already made my own Lifesteal skript, so don't bother with that. Don't bother with other people's sh*t if you're not feeling well...

  4. On 11/1/2021 at 7:44 PM, ButterflyBullets said:

    HI! I have a solution for your problem, it is definitely possible and really easy to make, so here is a Item Editor Skript for you to use that would be like that except you would have to write it in instead of being able to use one command for a specific name and you will need to type /ie name (itemname), color codes are supported so without further ado here you go 😄

    command /ie <text> [<text>]:
       aliases: /itemeditor
       permission: itemeditor.sk
       permission message: &cInsufficient Perms
          if arg-1 is "name":
             set name of player's held item to colored arg 2
          if arg-1 is "lore":
             set lore of player's held item to colored arg 2
          if arg-1 is "clearenchants":
             disenchant player's tool


    oh, thanks! i didnt see you replied, lol.

    thanks so much!!

    • Like 1
  5. 22 hours ago, nolando09 said:

    Sorry, i'm just a bit caught up in the issues with my personal life and id rather not get into the details. It will be done soon I promise just not in 1-2 days. Sorry 😔

    Oh, I hope they get better soon! Don't bother working on it unless you have time and you want to. Hope you'll be doing better soon!

  6. Hello! Is it possible to make a skript that would work like /[command] and it automatically sets an item name to [formatting] [item_name]

    I'm making a server with custom trades, but it'll take around an hour to finish everything, so i'm wondering if there is a way to have a command that can be edited so i can make different tiers easier. my idea is a command that would set the item name to 

    &2&l[&6<Tier Number>&2&l] &6 <item name>

    So the command would be /tier1, etc. or something, and it would set the item's name (for example, a diamond sword) to 

    &2&l[&6Tier One&2&l] &6 Diamond Sword

    If you can make this, please respond! If you think it isn't possible please let me know.

  7. Hi, are you able to make a skript like a Lifesteal SMP, but slightly modified?

    My idea:


    On Kill: Gain One Full Heart

    On Death: Set base health to default (20)

    Also, if this is possible, could you make a skript that works somewhat like this:

    When you join, for the first 20 minutes you can't attack other players or be damaged, but you can turn on PvP, but doing so will forever have PvP on (in world guard regions where pvp is on) without being toggleable thereafter. 


    Also, if you are able to do this, could you let me know if i needed certain base plugins? I'm completely oblivious about Skript, so I'm not sure if i need to install certain parts of Skript, or other plugin libraries.

    Edit: If you have Discord, please let me know if you're able to do this, or have already done it 

    My discord is Generic Username#3226


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