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Ramina__ last won the day on March 25 2022

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About Ramina__

  • Birthday December 7

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  1. 1. Here is the code with /shiny; command /ie <text> [<text>]: aliases: /itemeditor permission: itemeditor.sk permission message: &cInsufficient Perms trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&aUsage: &b/rename &f<text>" to player else: if player's tool is air: send "&bYou Need To Hold An Item To Rename!" to player if arg-1 is "name": set name of player's held item to colored arg 2 if arg-1 is "lore": set lore of player's held item to colored arg 2 if arg-1 is "clearenchants": disenchant player's tool if arg-1 is "shine" or "shiny": make player's held item shiny 2. Please don't necropost.
  2. 1. There is no permission. 2. Here is it with a permission added. command /rules: permission: Changeme! trigger: send "--------[RULES]------" to player send "&c&l1. idk" to player send "&c&l2. idk" to player send "&c&l3. idk" to player send "---------------------" to player 3. Please don't necropost.
  3. 1. Here is the file. 2. Please don't necropost Shop.txt
  4. Set the line to whatever you want and the variable to show it would be %{karma::%loop-player%}% or {karma::%player%} depends if you are using a loop or an 'on join' thing
  5. You don't need all the options, I just put them there to show you how to configure it!
  6. #Set the cooldown variable e.g '{test.cool.%player's uuid%}' to now when they run the command correctly. I hope this helped! options: prefix: &8[&7Test&8]&7 permission: test.run pm: Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help! #Permission message ^^ ct: 15 seconds #Cooldown time ^^ command /test [<text>]: permission: {@permission} permission message: {@p} trigger: set {_test.cool} to difference between {test.cool.%player's uuid%} and now if {_test.cool} is less than {@ct}: send "{@prefix} You need to wait &8'&b%difference between {test.cool} and {@ct}%&8' &7before using this command again!" stop if arg-1 = "...": send "{@prefix} Hey, it worked!" set {test.cool.%player's uuid%} to now
  7. Oh I didn't know I could do that, thanks!
  8. command /dailyreward: trigger: set {_dr} to difference between {dr.use.%player's uuid%} and now if {_dr} is less than 86400 seconds: send "&7&l[&e&lDELAY&7&l] &cYou have already claimed this reward! please wait &7'&3%difference between {_dr} and 86400 seconds%&7'&c before using this command again." stop else: set {dr.use.%player's uuid%} to now give diamond to player send "Enjoy!" to player send "you already claimed your daily reward" command /resetdailyreward: permission: op permission message: &6No permission for that! trigger: clear {dr.use.%player's uuid%} send "daily rewards can be used again!" to player #Here!
  9. I don't need you to make me anything, but if you could help me make my skript work or let me know what addons I need for it to work! Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/RZ88U2F8
  10. I'm not sure if you need any addons but I don't know how to make the skript any differently sorry
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