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  1. on death: if victim is a player: drop diamond ore named "skript created" #or use the give syntax to give it directly to there inventory make sure to indent too lazy on minehut comment textbox
  2. Yes, there is a way, Install the plugin skript via the panel and learn! Should be very simple, check for the event when someone dies and add hearts to the attacker!
  3. options: Reward: give player beacon named "&b&lDAILY CRATE KEY" #or 'execute console command "%crate manager% give %player% %name of crate%"' Prefix: &b&lREWARDS | Cooldown: 24 #in hours RedeemMsg: &7You have claimed your Daily rewards, come back tomorrow CooldownMsg: &7You need to wait %difference between now and {DAILYCOOLDOWN::%PLAYER%::1}%&7! # %difference between now and {DAILYCOOLDOWN::%PLAYER%::1}% gets the time left Permission: Daily.Use DenyPermissionMsg: &fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help. # # DAILY COMMAND # command /daily: #Command Name permission: {@Permission} #Permission duh.. permission message: {@DenyPermissionMsg} #Permission Message if they don't have perms they see this. trigger: # What it does when you execute the command create a new gui with id "DAILY" with virtual dropper inventory named "DAILY" # Making a neat tiny GUI edit gui last gui: format gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 with pink stained glass pane named " " format gui slot 4 with beacon named "&b&lDAILY REWARD" with lore "&8/DAILY" and " " and "&7Clicking on this item will" and "&7reward you with a some" and "&7free loot, once a day!": if {DAILYCOOLDOWN::%PLAYER%::1} is not set: # Checking if the variable is set or not {@Reward} # Giving the reward send "{@Prefix} &7You have claimed the daily crate key!" # Output message set {DAILYCOOLDOWN::%PLAYER%::1} to {@Cooldown} hours after now # Establishing the cooldown stop if {DAILYCOOLDOWN::%PLAYER%::1} is set: # In the case that it's there second redempton it checks for the server time, to see if its equal to the cooldown set if {DAILYCOOLDOWN::%PLAYER%L::1} <= now: {@Reward} send "{@Prefix} {@RedeemMsg}" set {DAILYCOOLDOWN::%PLAYER%::1} to {@Cooldown} hours after now else: send "{@Prefix} {@CooldownMsg}" wait 1 tick open gui with id "DAILY" to player # opens the GUI to the user on command Just a neat skript you may use on your server. Allowing to automate rewards given with your own set cooldown! Almost every you you need to customized are easily configured! Time is tracked via server time, and will still count even if the server is not activated or on! My first Skript post! Forgot to mention, the required add-ons are skript, skript-gui, and maybe a crate manager!
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