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Posts posted by crewly

  1. Why Starboard should be an Awardboard.

    A few weeks ago, a starboard has been added to the Minehut Discord Server to allow users to pin a special message onto a separate channel, if enough people have added a certain reaction to that post, which is the star emoji.

    This is something that has always been wanted on the server, however, this is not the way to stand out from other discord servers.
    You see, starboards aren't uncommon, they appear in many discord servers, even the most popular ones, but they all have one thing in common: They use the star emote.

    Why does every discord server use the same exact emoji to pin their favorite messages? Can't they be original or something? And this is where the Minehut Award emote comes in.




    The Minehut Award was added back in September by an ex-SLG admin and scientifically engineered by a super awesome guy, whose name rhymes with "truly". This emote was and still is barely used by anyone and that is why I propose to make this one the emote used for pinning posts.

    Now, you may be asking yourself to why the award emote should replace the star emote? Well after receiving some community feedback and putting my own thoughts into it, I have composed a list of reasons to why it should change:

    • The emote feels a lot more personalized than the overused star emote.(thanks Recal)
    • Awarding a post sounds much more special than starring a post.
    • c'mon, this emote was made to have an awardboard
    • It increases the chances of something to be awarded/starred

    Now I want to talk more about the last reason. I've totally hired a special team to conduct a study about both of these emotes. Using methods like Pythagoras' Theorem and Algebra, studies have shown that messages are more likely to be pinned if the message was reacted with the award emote (as seen below) (Blue = Award; Red = Star)

    In conclusion, if you aren't convinced yet, then your future is hopeless, this is factual.
    Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

    Yours truly, crewly

    P.S also benny or any other srmods, if you see this, please check the attached files and update the award emote, please.

    crewly i will help you out.png

    • Like 1
  2. My ability to sense mockery is triggered, therefore I am obliged to reply with a sentence, which consists of 3 words that describes the process of noticing such sarcasm.

    I sense sarcasm.

    • Thanks 1
  3. [This is a serious post]
    For those wondering: I am currently researching on "Minehut's Server Design" and I need your help to complete my researching.

    If you want to help out, click on this link and fill out the survey: https://forms.gle/FmgWrhjXeNN8uzV8A
    I ask you to take your time while filling out the survey and please do not rig the survey by forcing/influencing people into filling in specific stuff.

    I will post an update about the data that I'm about to receive and what I will do with them (depending if I get any data at all).

    That's all for now!
    - crewly, Lead of Marketing

  4. Hey there folks!

    In the past 2 months, we were working really hard with our new partner, Samsan™, to create a new special limited item (instead of adding mod support and custom plugins)!

    That's right! Our new partner is Samsan and together we have built Minehut's™ first™ smartphone™ with our operating system called MinehutOS™
    The new MinehutOS is an absolute GAMECHANGER™! Here's a list of all the items we've put into the exclusive operating system:

    • A customized Homescreen designed by top designers around the world.
    • A whopping 3 uninstallable Minehut applications to instantly use to our services like never before!
    • Preinstalled cracked Minecraft Pocket Edition (for our upcoming bedrock support!)
    • A GPS tracker and Information Filter (more about that later)
    • All of the Android features!
    • it's pretty much an android lol we didnt actually make an operating system, we only rebranded the s10 phone but i thought it would be cool to name it like that. like seriously who in the right mind would make a new OS? android and ios are already dominating the market so why should we even bother with-

    To keep you protected on the internet, we have also put a GPS Tracker™ and an Information Filter™ into our phones! The GPS Tracker™ makes sure that the hackers cannot access your country, literally. With our "Double Encryption Port OAuth Router Tower" system™ (also known as "D.E.P.O.R.T"), the hackers will be sent back to their home country, or in extreme cases to hell.
    The Information Filter will make sure that your informations you're sending/receiving on the internet is safe.

    We would also like to remind you that the GPS Tracker and the Information Filter will be used to commit Identity theft on you.

    Unfortunately, because of lack of money and crippling declining stocks, we will be only selling 100 Minehut S10 phones at a special price of 1,099$. When you buy the phone, you'll receive the phone itself and a special love letter from us with Trent's signature:


    (oh and did we forget to say that the phone comes with an unnecessarily unremovable thick phone case?)

    Well that's all we can say! We would like to thank Samsan for wasting our time and money and of course, from the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank the loving community for bringing such a hard time to our moderators!

    crewly, Lead of Marketing™


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  5. In September of 2019, spookzook (@Minehut) challenged us to reach 200 retweets on this tweet

    If we reach that goal, there will be world peace and no poverty. In other words, the image put in the tweet will be put on the lobby billboard.

    We are currently half way there, and we need YOUR help to reach our goal!

    Share this with your friends (if you have any) and most importantly: RETWEET IT!

    Thank you for your attention.

  6. I have been on minehut since late 2015 and I've seen many servers, that I've come to realise that the today's popular servers have all something in common.

    I've talked about this in discord and to my Wendy's Drive Thru, however none of those were interested (since none of them asked) so I made this topic a forum post.

    Here's a poster I've made:keyfactors3.png.7d4e4ce8f2812019e1b508d202f2d32d.png

    (Note: This may be not be accurate)

    There are probably some other major factors that I haven't thought of but those 3 are what stands out to me after a long brainstorming session.

    Of course, having those 3 in your server doesn't automatically mean your server will generate revenue or have a community. Like the saying goes: "Smart people wear glasses, but wearing glasses doesn't make you smart"

    What are your thoughts on it? Do you think it's accurate or are some parts misleading? Will future popular servers continue to follow them? I'd love to hear from you!

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