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Increased server lag after January 30th



I have noticed a large increase in problems such as rubber-banding, tps drops, and problems with elytra on my server landing after the January 30th, 2020 maintenance.  Most of the problems occur in the nether. The server is vanilla and doesn't use any plugins. it all appears to be server side, as I don't have these problems in single-player

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Not answering, but chiming in to say that my server is having the same issues. It's become almost unplayable unless you have a deep well of patience. We are also vanilla, no plugins. Blocks won't break unless you hit them 5 or 6 times, rubberbanding constantly, memory usage constantly revs from 19% to 70+% then drops and starts over again. 

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Hey. Could you try using the instructions below in order to find any lag issues.

Timings measures how well your server is processing everything. If your server is lagging, this is one of the best ways to figure out why and what is causing it. Getting timing data: - To take timings, run /timings on. - Then, leave it for a few minutes, then run /timings paste. - Use the page given by /timings paste to display the output in a graphical format.
If you require further assistance, visit https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/timings/

Discord: thistle#1234
In Game: thistl

Minehut Community Support Member
Minehut Junior Moderator

Minehut Moderator
(12/30/19 - 07/11/20)




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