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I want a skript for normal blocks to work with fortune someone said :


would work but it dosnt, Maybe because of this plugin: image.png.26f1beb6e335593bf7a9308706768cec.png

it dosnt work, Please Help!









I seem to cant figure out how to combine the Fortune and Autopickup Maybe someone can find a skirpt or plugin that enables AutoPickup and works with Fortune Thanks!

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Hey, i made skript similiar to this a while ago, hope it helps a bit alteast:

on join:
    if {autopickup::%player%} is not set:
        set {autopickup::%player%} to true

on load:
    loop all players:
        if {autopickup::%loop-player%} is not set:
            set {autopickup::%loop-player%} to true

command /autopickup <text>:
    usage: &c/autopickup <true/false>
    permission: autopickup.skript
    permission message: &4You do not have permission to use this command.
    aliases: /telepathy, /itelepathy, /itp
        if arg-1 is "true":
            if {autopickup::%player%} = true:
                send "&8[&6Autopickup&8] &7Autopickup is already turned on." to player
                play sound "BLOCK.NOTE_BLOCK.BASS" to player
                set {autopickup::%player%} to true
                send "&8[&6Autopickup&8] &7Autopickup has been turned on." to player
                play sound "BLOCK.NOTE_BLOCK.HARP" to player
        if arg-1 is "false":
            if {autopickup::%player%} = false:
                send "&8[&6Autopickup&8] &7Autopickup is already turned off." to player
                play sound "BLOCK.NOTE_BLOCK.BASS" to player
                set {autopickup::%player%} to false
                send "&8[&6Autopickup&8] &7Autopickup has been turned off." to player
                play sound "BLOCK.NOTE_BLOCK.HARP" to player

on mine:
    if player's gamemode is survival:
        if player's inventory can hold 1 of targeted block:
            if {autopickup::%player%} = true:
                cancel the drops
                set {_f} to level of fortune of player's tool
                set {_l} to {_f} + 1
                set {_drops} to random integer between 1 and {_l}
                give {_drops} of event-block to player
                cancel the drops
                set {_f} to level of fortune of player's tool
                set {_l} to {_f} + 1
                set {_drops} to random integer between 1 and {_l}
                drop {_drops} of event-block
            cancel drops
            drop drops of event-block using player's tool


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