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Help wanted on a skript

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20 hours ago, Stanleychar said:

Does anyone know how to make a skript that replace farm blocks 5 seconds later 

this should work

and btw the /stopgen command is so you can break the farming things


on break:
    if event-block is ripe wheat plant:
        if {stopgen::*} does not contain player's uuid:
            cancel event
            set block at location of event-block to air
            wait 5 seconds
            set block at location of event-block to ripe wheat plant
command /stopgen:
    aliases: /sg
    permission: op
        if {stopgen::*} does not contain player's uuid:
            add player's uuid to {stopgen::*}
            send "you can break gens now"
            remove player's uuid from {stopgen::*}
            send "you cant break gens now"

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