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I got Ip banned For Doxing someone With their Permission

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So i sent a appeal without proof of there message saying i could,

I will add (PRV) For info that leaks the Person or their Ip ( They nerver got This even tho i sent it They blocked my email instantly )

Hello, So I got Permanently banned the Other day Sent in a Request to be Unbanned And was shown the Proof, And then I sent a Request asking it to Not be a Permanent ban For Doxing, and a Blacklist. I understand they Responded with “Send another Appeal and we will Block you from our Systems'', And I Understand this will Result in me Being Blocked but you Must hear this. I did some Diving because the Person i doxxed Ign: (PRV) and Discord: (PRV), When i sent the Ip in chat of: (PRV), I had permission from the Owner of the Ip to send it, So i know they Didn’t Report me. I came with Proof I was helped by a Friend of the Moderation teams Friend ( Apparently ) Discord:(PRV), We went diving and I explained everything to Him, And I have written Proof From (PRV) aka (PRV) aka (PRV), Saying they gave me Permission. You can Also DM (PRV) Asking them Questions about it I have The Proof and you Can even ask them in game, They were okay with me sending the ip that came up, Also to add to it, The Ip for (PRV) before i sent it I asked them saying “Is this your correct location?” They denied So I also made sure. I will add Screenshots of All of our Conversations and Them agreeing and Me and (PRV) talking about it. I Will also Send a Video Recording of my Going onto the Group Dm and off to Show it isnt Fake, Please send To Jamie and have him look into it. Im not asking for a Unban just not a Perm ban, Thank you.
I wont send the proof but i did add it A clip and Alot of Screenshots
I also later learned that the Guy who reported me was just a stranger who disliked me... (idrc if you think i should stay banned just wanna say this)
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Leaking personal information is a permanent ban regardless of whether permission was given to leak the information or not. 

The forums is also not a valid place for this. Additionally Discord screenshots are not accepted as proof.

Your ban is permanent, a denied appeal is a denied appeal.

rose city STICKER


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I dont think it will be called doxxing then since it is with their consent and they accept it. But it says in Minehut rules that any type of information regardeless of the situation is not allowed!

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