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my skript doesnt work

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on chat:
	if {joinroomcode::%player%} is true:
		set {roomcodee} to true
		if {roomcodee} != {roomcode1}:
			set {roomcodey} to false
			send "uh" to player
			if {roomcodee} != {roomcode2}:
				set {roomcodet} to false
				send "uh o" to player
				if {roomcodee} != {roomcode3}:
					set {roomcoder} to false
					set {noroom} to true
					send "uh oh" to player
					cancel event
					set {roomcoder} to true
					set {chatsentjoin::%player%} to true
					set {joinroomcode::%player%} to false
					send "pl" to player
				set {roomcodet} to true
				set {chatsentjoin::%player%} to true
				set {joinroomcode::%player%} to false
				cancel event
				send "plu" to player
			set {roomcodey} to true
			set {chatsentjoin::%player%} to true
			set {joinroomcode::%player%} to false
			cancel event
			send "pluh" to player

Im trying to make a remake of a game i enjoy playing on my mc server but for some reason this skript doesnt work. i added the messages to player so i could see what was going wrong and the variable {roomcodee} skips past all of the other variables even if their contents are the same, which i dont understand. i am just learning skript so it might be a bit messy but please help

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