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Question About Voting for a Minehut Server Found on External Site

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Hey everyone!

I recently stumbled upon a Minehut server listed on Minecraft-Servers.io website and saw that there's an option to vote for it there. I'm curious about how this works in relation to Minehut itself. Is voting on external sites like this beneficial for the server? And does it have any impact within the Minehut community or on the server's visibility on Minehut's own platform?

I'm quite new to the whole server voting system and would love to support my favorite servers, but I want to make sure my efforts are actually helpful and recognized where it matters most. Does anyone have insights or experiences with voting on external sites and how it correlates with Minehut's server rankings or perks for the servers?

Thanks in advance for shedding some light on this for me. I'm eager to learn more about the community and how to contribute positively!

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It can be, but as far as I know there's only one official site to vote on that gives you credits - http://servers-minecraft.net/server-minehut.1049

You will need to link your Minecraft account to your Minehut account first, though. Go in-game and do /vote for a better guide!

But yes, it can help Minehut even if a little bit, and if you have your account linked, it rewards you 10 credits.

rose city STICKER


i code, animate, develop, UI design, learn, and adapt, as well as make servers, of course

💐Joined Minehut sometime in 2014
💐VIP sometime in 2018
💐Legend in January 2021
💐Helper on 4/11/2021
💐♥ (Retired) on 5/17/2021
💐 Moderator on 8/18/2023

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