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Healing orb


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Hi i wanted to ask if you guys can help me with this skirpt so if the player enters the radius 2.6 of {_li} and leaves, he gets healed until it despawns but i dont know how to do it so he dosent get healed.

if name of player's held item is "<##3cff00>Healing Orb":
		if player is sneaking:
			remove 1 lime dye named "<##3cff00>Healing Orb" from player's inventory
			drop 1 of lime dye named "<##3cff00>Healing Orb" 1.5 block infront player's location
			set {_li} to last dropped item
			play sound "block.beacon.activate" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at player for all players in radius 5 around {_li}
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor1", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 2.6, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor2", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 2.3, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor3", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 2, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor4", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 1.7, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor5", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 1.4, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor6", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 1.1, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor7", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 0.8, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor8", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 0.6, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor9", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 0.3, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor10", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 0, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2.5 seconds
			loop all players in radius 2.6 of {_li}:
				chance of 60%:
					loop 4 times:
						heal loop-player by 1 hearts
						send "&aTest 1" to loop-player
						wait 2 seconds
				chance of 30%:
					loop 4 times:
						heal loop-player by 1.5 hearts
						send "&aTest 2" to loop-player
						wait 2 seconds
				chance of 10%:
					loop 4 times:
						heal loop-player by 2 hearts
						send "&aTest 3" to loop-player
						wait 2 seconds
			play sound "block.beacon.ambient" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_li} for all players in radius 3 around {_li}
			wait 5 seconds
			play sound "block.beacon.ambient" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_li} for all players in radius 3 around {_li}
			wait 5 seconds
			play sound "block.beacon.ambient" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_li} for all players in radius 3 around {_li}
			wait 5 seconds
			play sound "block.beacon.ambient" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_li} for all players in radius 3 around {_li}
			wait 4.2 seconds
			play sound "block.beacon.deactivate" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_li} for all players in radius 3 around {_li}
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor1"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor2"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor3"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor4"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor5"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor6"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor7"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor8"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor9"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor10"
			clear last dropped item
			send player title "&4You are not" with subtitle "&4&lSneaking" for 5 seconds


Edited by Ensar1342
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wait i am sending you the complete skript sorry i forgot and its the right spacing its buggy here

on right click:
	if name of player's held item is "<##3cff00>Healing Orb":
		if player is sneaking:
			remove 1 lime dye named "<##3cff00>Healing Orb" from player's inventory
			drop 1 of lime dye named "<##3cff00>Healing Orb" 1.5 block infront player's location
			set {_li} to last dropped item
			play sound "block.beacon.activate" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at player for all players in radius 5 around {_li}
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor1", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 2.6, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor2", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 2.3, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor3", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 2, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor4", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 1.7, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor5", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 1.4, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor6", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 1.1, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor7", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 0.8, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor8", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 0.6, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2 ticks
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor9", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 0.3, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", RGB 0, 255, 0, center {_li}, id "%player%.healingfloor10", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 0, radius 0, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 100
			wait 2.5 seconds
			loop all players in radius 2.6 of {_li}:
				chance of 60%:
					loop 4 times:
						heal loop-player by 1 hearts
						send "&aChance 10" to loop-player
						play sound "block.beacon.ambient" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_li} for all players in radius 3 around {_li}
						wait 5 seconds
				chance of 30%:
					loop 4 times:
						heal loop-player by 1.5 hearts
						send "&aChance 10" to loop-player
						play sound "block.beacon.ambient" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_li} for all players in radius 3 around {_li}
						wait 5 seconds
				chance of 10%:
					loop 4 times:
						heal loop-player by 2 hearts
						send "&aChance 10" to loop-player
						play sound "block.beacon.ambient" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_li} for all players in radius 3 around {_li}
						wait 5 seconds
			play sound "block.beacon.deactivate" at volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_li} for all players in radius 3 around {_li}
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor1"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor2"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor3"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor4"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor5"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor6"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor7"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor8"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor9"
			stopeffect "%player%.healingfloor10"
			clear last dropped item
			send player title "&4You are not" with subtitle "&4&lSneaking" for 5 seconds


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