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Holographic Item Display Help


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I have been trying to work on a skript for holographic displays on item drops, however, I need help with getting entity values to be separate depending on the item type, and I am not sure how to do that? (Reference picture: there is 4 wheat dropped and 2 coal ore but it says 6 coal ore). I also was wondering if there is a way to make the item I drop just automatically stack with an item of that type already on the ground rather than having the animation of dropping it from my hand show? There are also times where I drop 2 of one item but it still shows as 1x <item> on the ground. Overall, the skript is just buggy and I'd love for some help! Thank you.

on item spawn:
	set {_itemName} to "%name of event-item%"
	if {_itemName} does not contain "<none>":
		add item amount of item of event-entity to {_total}
		set display name of event-entity to "%{_itemName}%"
		loop all dropped items in radius 5 of event-location:
			set {_itemName2} to "%name of loop-entity%"
			if {_itemName2} does not contain "<none>":
				add item amount of item of loop-entity to {_total}
				if {_total} >= 1:
					set display name of event-entity to "%{_total}%x %{_itemName}%"```



Edited by Manuscript
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I would recommend to store the amount of the item to list with ceratin values

and do the rest accordingly to it e.g.

add item amount of item of event-entity to {%event-item::%event-location%::*}
Edited by DanRub
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