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Why does my warp get deleted on my server every time i restart it?



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Moved to Community Support. Please post in the correct section next time.

(Also are you doing the command /setwarp (name) and then doing /warp (name)?)

Joined on January 17th 2016

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I need help with this too, my two worlds: a survival world and a shop world the warp deletes everytime and ive just got the plugin grief prevention and i cant claim in that world, the world didnt show up in the config files so i added it and it disappears when the server starts up like server cant see the worlds until i first transport to them using /worlds

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I figured out a solutions if anyone needs it in the future:

1. Use plugin Multiverse
2. go to your world with /worlds 
3. use /mvimport {name of world} {gamemode} 
(that will add it to the list of worlds and now the warps will stop resetting and any other problems will stop)
Reason why i had such a problem is i wanted to use the GriefProvention plugin however it didn't seem to see the world and that's because the world doesn't load until you go into it, this trick fixes it and will make all plugins able to see the world 🙂

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