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something here isnt working


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i want to play a sound at a block, this is what i'm trying to use:


on place of beacon:
	set {location} to x, y, z of event block

on right click:
	if target block is beacon:
		cancel event
		if player's tool is coal block:
			remove 1 coal block named "&7Packed Fuel" from player's inventory
			message "&6&lYour item will be ready is &c&l20 minutes!"
			loop 1200 times:
				play sound "minecraft:block.stone.break" at volume 0.5 at {location} to player
				wait 1 tick
				play sound "minecraft:block.stone.hit" at volume 0.5 at {location} to player
				chance of 80%:
					play sound "minecraft:block.grass.fall" at volume 0.5 at {location} to player
					play sound "minecraft:block.deepslate.break" at volume 0.5 at {location} to player
					wait 1 tick
					play sound "minecraft:block.grass.step" at volume 0.5 at {location} to player
				chance of 2%:
					wait 1 tick
					play sound "minecraft:block.piston.extend" at volume 0.5 at {location} to player
				wait 1 tick
			drop 1 gold nugget named "&2Sun Bit" with lore "&2&l&ke &2&lUNCOMMON &ke" and "&2&l&m--------------"
			message "&c&lPlease hold '&fBlock of coal&c&l' when using this block!"

this is the raw piece of code im using, pls dont steal.

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This is not a very efficient way to do this. First I would add the location to a list: {beaconloc::*} and looking at this it looks very long and kind of inefficient. Looping 1200 times of waiting 1 tick and chances will take a lot on your server, especially if theres multiple at a time. So, you could just set a variable (ex; {beacontime::%unix of now%}) to the unix of now and when people try to open it you check the time between now and the variable set, instead of just tons of waiting.

If I helped you at all please consider boosting my account with the follow button!
Minehut ♥ [VIP] 12/19/2020 - Present

I am either extremely active or not lol.


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