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Land claim help


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command /claim [<text>]:
		if {pos1.%player%} isn't set:
			set {pos1.%player%} to location of player
			set {pos2.%player%} to location of player
			loop blocks within {pos1.%player%} to {pos2.%player%}:
				add location of loop-block to {claim.%player%::*}
on place:
  	if {claim.%player%::*} doesn't contain location of event-block:
  		send "&cYou can't place blocks outside of your claim!"
on break:
  if {claim.%player%::*} doesn't contain location of event-block:
  	send "&cYou can't break blocks outside of your claim!"

Alr so this is my code, it works entirely fine except that you can't place chests, stairs, doors inside of your claim. There's probably more blocks that can't be placed but can anyone help me with those specifically?

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