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ChatGPT skripting


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Hello Minehut!

I have not been on Minehut for a while, and am planning to make a return. Before I return, I wanted to have a quick chat with the community.

Since ive been gone, major things have happened in the AI world. For example, company OpenAI, has realised DALL.E which can turn word prompts into images, within seconds! 

Another major thing that has happened with AI is ChatGPT.

If you dont know what ChatGPT is, its an Artificial Intelligence Chat bot. This gives people ways to do things faster and more efficient then any human can.

Another useful feature ChatGPT holds is coding and programming. I have been playing around in different languages, and the thought came to me today, "can GPT do Skripting?"

I tried it, and surprisingly it could! I tried a simple prompt,

Can you make it so if the player types /hello and is standing on blue wool, they get launched and get sent the message &d&lWEEEE!

And it responded, 

Yes, I can help you create a Skript script that will launch a player and send them a message if they are standing on blue wool and type the command "/hello". Here's an example script that should accomplish this:

on command "hello":
    if player is standing on blue wool:
        set {_player} to player
        wait 1 tick
        {_player} add velocity 0, 3, 0
        send "&d&lWEEEE!" to {_player}

This surprised me, as I didnt expect it to do skripting. This is just a simple request, but im pretty sure it could do more advanced Skripts.

I came here to ask, Whats your opinion on this Minehut?

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This will make alot of servers without having skill, which could be bad and good. well, skripting is easy anyway





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