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Some Free Skripts


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Haven't been on the forums in a long time so here's some skripts, a range of simple to advanced skripts!

All skripts require:




Chat colours skript:
All chat colours are saved in variables and are set via a command.
You can use traditional colours codes (&4) or hex codes (#ff0000) you can use &l (bold) but no other formatting

command /cc [<text>] [<text>]:
    aliases: /chatcolor, /chatcolour
    permission: staff.cc
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "Usage: /cc <rank> <hex code>"
            if arg-2 is not set:
                send "Usage: /cc %arg-1% <hex code>"
                if arg-2 contains "&":
                    set {%arg-1%.color} to arg-2
                    send "Chat color for %arg-1% set to %coloured arg-2%%arg-2%"
                else if arg-2 does not contain "##":
                    set {%arg-1%.color} to "##%arg-2%"
                    send coloured "Chat color for %arg-1% set to <##%arg-2%>##%uncoloured arg-2%"
                    set {%arg-1%.color} to arg-2
                    send coloured "Chat color for %arg-1% set to <%arg-2%>%uncoloured arg-2%"
on chat:
    set {_rank} to placeholder "%%luckperms_highest_group_by_weight%%" of player
    set {_color} to {%{_rank}%.color}
    if {_color} contains "##":
        if {_color} contains "&l":
            replace all "&l" in {_color} with "e"
            set {_color} to "<%{_color}%>"
            set {_color} to "<%{_color}%>"
        set {_color} to "%{_color}%"
    replace all message with "%coloured {_color}%%uncoloured message%" in message


Staff Chat (Bungeecord/velocity multiserver)
This is a Staff Chat Skript that is made for bungeecord, put it on all of your servers and install the "ZulfBungee" skript addon

(1 server version below) 

Use /staffchat to toggle it or put a $ in front of your message to quickly send it

Logs messages to a file (/plugins/skript/logs/serverlogs/staffchat/staffchat.log)

    prefix: <##f50bd0>&lS<##f53eda>&lC <##f50bd0>»

function removeFirst(num: integer, msg: text) :: text:
    return subtext of {_msg} from characters {_num} to (length of {_msg})

on join:
    if {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} to "false"

command /staffchat:
    aliases: /sc
    permission: staff.chat
        if {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} is "false":
            set {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} to "true"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fStaff Chat &aEnabled&f (Use $Hello! to quickly speak)." to player
        else if {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} is "true":
            set {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} to "false"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fStaff Chat &cDisabled&f (Use $Hello! to quickly speak)." to player

on chat:
    if player has permission "staff.chat":
        set {_prefix} to placeholder "%%luckperms_prefix%%" of player
        #Un comment these lines if you use hex codes in your prefixes
        #replace all "&##" in {_prefix} with "<##"
        #replace all (first 12 characters of {_prefix}) in {_prefix} with "%first 12 characters of {_prefix}%>"
        set {_name} to placeholder "%%player_name%%" of player
        if {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} is "true":
            if uncolored message starts with "$":
                replace first "$" in message with ""
                cancel event
                set {_prefix} to placeholder "%%luckperms_prefix%%" of player
                if {_prefix} contains "&##":
                    replace all "&##" in {_prefix} with "<##"
                    replace all (first 12 characters of {_prefix}) in {_prefix} with "%first 12 characters of {_prefix}%>"
                    set {_prefix} to colored {_prefix}
                set {_name} to placeholder "%%player_name%%" of player
                loop all of the bungeecord players:
                    if loop-proxyplayer has permission "staff.chat":
                        proxy message loop-proxyplayer the message "%{@prefix}% &7[%this proxy server%] &r%uncolored {_prefix}%%{_name}%&f: &r%coloured message%"
                        set {chat.%player%} to now
                        set {_ranky} to placeholder "vault_group" of player
                        log "[%{chat.%player%}%] [%this proxy server%] %{_ranky}% %player%: %uncolored message%" to "serverlogs/staffchat/staffchat.log"
                cancel event
                set {_prefix} to placeholder "%%luckperms_prefix%%" of player
                if {_prefix} contains "&##":
                    replace all "&##" in {_prefix} with "<##"
                    replace all (first 12 characters of {_prefix}) in {_prefix} with "%first 12 characters of {_prefix}%>"
                    set {_prefix} to colored {_prefix}
                set {_name} to placeholder "%%player_name%%" of player
                loop all of the bungeecord players:
                    if loop-proxyplayer has permission "staff.chat":
                        proxy message loop-proxyplayer the message %{@prefix}% &7[%this proxy server%] &r%colored {_prefix}%%{_name}%&f: &r%coloured message%"
                        set {chat.%player%} to now
                        set {_ranky} to placeholder "vault_group" of player
                        log "[%{chat.%player%}%] [%this proxy server%] %{_ranky}% %player%: %uncolored message%" to "serverlogs/staffchat/staffchat.log"
        else if uncoloured message starts with "$":
            set {_prefix} to placeholder "%%luckperms_prefix%%" of player
            if {_prefix} contains "&##":
                replace all "&##" in {_prefix} with "<##"
                replace all (first 12 characters of {_prefix}) in {_prefix} with "%first 12 characters of {_prefix}%>"
                set {_prefix} to colored {_prefix}
            set {_name} to placeholder "%%player_name%%" of player
            if message is not "$":
                cancel event
            replace first "$" in message with ""
            loop all of the bungeecord players:
                if loop-proxyplayer has permission "staff.chat":
                    proxy message loop-proxyplayer the message "%{@prefix}% &7[%this proxy server%] &r%colored {_prefix}%%{_name}%&f: &r%coloured message%"
                    set {chat.%player%} to now
                    set {_ranky} to placeholder "vault_group" of player
                    log "[%{chat.%player%}%] [%this proxy server%] %{_ranky}% %player%: %uncolored message%" to "serverlogs/staffchat/staffchat.log"

Staff Chat (1 Server Version)
Same as above but only works on 1 server, no extra install required

    prefix: <##f50bd0>&lS<##f53eda>&lC <##f50bd0>»

function removeFirst(num: integer, msg: text) :: text:
    return subtext of {_msg} from characters {_num} to (length of {_msg})

on join:
    if {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} to "false"

command /staffchat:
    aliases: /sc
    permission: staff.chat
        if {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} is "false":
            set {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} to "true"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fStaff Chat &aEnabled&f (Use $Hello! to quickly speak)." to player
        else if {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} is "true":
            set {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} to "false"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fStaff Chat &cDisabled&f (Use $Hello! to quickly speak)." to player

on chat:
    if player has permission "staff.chat":
        set {_prefix} to placeholder "%%luckperms_prefix%%" of player
        #Un comment these lines if you use hex codes in your prefixes
        #replace all "&##" in {_prefix} with "<##"
        #replace all (first 12 characters of {_prefix}) in {_prefix} with "%first 12 characters of {_prefix}%>"
        set {_name} to placeholder "%%player_name%%" of player
        if {sctoggled::%player's uuid%} is "true":
            if uncolored message starts with "$":
                replace first "$" in message with ""
                cancel event
                set {_prefix} to placeholder "%%luckperms_prefix%%" of player
                if {_prefix} contains "&##":
                    replace all "&##" in {_prefix} with "<##"
                    replace all (first 12 characters of {_prefix}) in {_prefix} with "%first 12 characters of {_prefix}%>"
                    set {_prefix} to colored {_prefix}
                set {_name} to placeholder "%%player_name%%" of player
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player has permission "staff.chat":
                        send "%{@prefix}% &r%uncolored {_prefix}%%{_name}%&f: &r%coloured message%" to loop-player
                        set {chat.%player%} to now
                        set {_ranky} to placeholder "vault_group" of player
                        log "[%{chat.%player%}%] %{_ranky}% %player%: %uncolored message%" to "serverlogs/staffchat/staffchat.log"
                cancel event
                set {_prefix} to placeholder "%%luckperms_prefix%%" of player
                if {_prefix} contains "&##":
                    replace all "&##" in {_prefix} with "<##"
                    replace all (first 12 characters of {_prefix}) in {_prefix} with "%first 12 characters of {_prefix}%>"
                    set {_prefix} to colored {_prefix}
                set {_name} to placeholder "%%player_name%%" of player
                loop all players:
                    if loop-player has permission "staff.chat":
                        send "%{@prefix}% &r%colored {_prefix}%%{_name}%&f: &r%coloured message%" to loop-player
                        set {chat.%player%} to now
                        set {_ranky} to placeholder "vault_group" of player
                        log "[%{chat.%player%}%] %{_ranky}% %player%: %uncolored message%" to "serverlogs/staffchat/staffchat.log"
        else if uncoloured message starts with "$":
            set {_prefix} to placeholder "%%luckperms_prefix%%" of player
            if {_prefix} contains "&##":
                replace all "&##" in {_prefix} with "<##"
                replace all (first 12 characters of {_prefix}) in {_prefix} with "%first 12 characters of {_prefix}%>"
                set {_prefix} to colored {_prefix}
            set {_name} to placeholder "%%player_name%%" of player
            if message is not "$":
                cancel event
            replace first "$" in message with ""
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has permission "staff.chat":
                    send "%{@prefix}% &r%colored {_prefix}%%{_name}%&f: &r%coloured message%" to loop-player
                    set {chat.%player%} to now
                    set {_ranky} to placeholder "vault_group" of player
                    log "[%{chat.%player%}%] %{_ranky}% %player%: %uncolored message%" to "serverlogs/staffchat/staffchat.log"


Command Spy (Bungeecord/Velocity)

This is a Skript that lets you see what commands players are running that is made for bungeecord, put it on all of your servers and install the "ZulfBungee" skript addon

(1 server version below)

    prefix: <##f50bd0>&lC<##f53eda>&lM<##f570e3>&lD <##f570e3>&lS<##f53eda>&lP<##f50bd0>&lY <##f50bd0>»

on command:
    loop all of the bungeecord players:
        if loop-proxyplayer has permission "essentials.socialspy":
            if network variable {cmdspy::%loop-proxyplayer's uuid%} is "true":
                if player is not loop-proxyplayer:
                    if player is set:
                        if arguments is set:
                            proxy message loop-proxyplayer the message "%{@prefix}% &7[%this proxy server%] &a%player%: &f/%command% %arguments%"
                            proxy message loop-proxyplayer the message "%{@prefix}% &7[%this proxy server%] &a%player%: &f/%command%"
                        if arguments is set:
                            proxy message loop-proxyplayer the message "%{@prefix}% &7[%this proxy server%] &cServer: &f/%command% %arguments%"
                            proxy message loop-proxyplayer the message "%{@prefix}% &7[%this proxy server%] &cServer: &f/%command% %arguments%"
command /commandspy:
    aliases: /cmdspy
    permission: essentials.socialspy
        if network variable {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} is "false":
            set network variable {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} to "true"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fCommand Spy has been &aEnabled."
        else if network variable {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} is "true":
            set network variable {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} to "false"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fCommand Spy has been &cDisabled."
        else if network variable {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} is not set:
            set network variable {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} to "true"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fCommand Spy has been &aEnabled."

Command spy (1 server version)

    prefix: <##f50bd0>&lC<##f53eda>&lM<##f570e3>&lD <##f570e3>&lS<##f53eda>&lP<##f50bd0>&lY <##f50bd0>»

on command:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player has permission "essentials.socialspy":
            if {cmdspy::%loop-proxyplayer's uuid%} is "true":
                if player is not loop-player:
                    if player is set:
                        if arguments is set:
                            send "%{@prefix}% %a%player%: &f/%command% %arguments%" to loop-player
                            send "%{@prefix}% &a%player%: &f/%command%" to loop-player
                        if arguments is set:
                            send "%{@prefix}% &cServer: &f/%command% %arguments%" to loop-player
                            send "%{@prefix}% &cServer: &f/%command% %arguments%" to loop-player
command /commandspy:
    aliases: /cmdspy
    permission: essentials.socialspy
        if {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} is "false":
            set {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} to "true"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fCommand Spy has been &aEnabled."
        else if {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} is "true":
            set {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} to "false"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fCommand Spy has been &cDisabled."
        else if {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} is not set:
            set {cmdspy::%player's uuid%} to "true"
            send "%{@prefix}% &fCommand Spy has been &aEnabled."

Money Vouchers Skript

    # Placeholders: <amount>
    voucherTitle: "<##32CD32>$<amount>"
    #the amount MUST be in the title
    #warning if you have a colored rename system that players can use, if they figure out the colour code they can set whatever amount they want
    voucherLore: "&7Right Click To Claim Money"

function format(b: text) :: text:
  if length of {_b} > 3:
    return "%format(first length of {_b} - 3 characters of {_b})%,%last 3 characters of {_b}%"
  return {_b}

command /withdraw [<integer>]:
    aliases: /wd, /wdraw, /wthd
    usage: &cPlease enter a number: /withdraw <amount>
        if arg-1 is set:
            if player's balance >= arg-1:
                set {_amount} to "%arg-1%"
                set {_amount} to format({_amount})
                send "&f&lAre you sure you would like to withdraw &a&l$%{_amount}%&f&l?"
                send formatted "&f&l<ttp:Click to confirm><cmd:/confwithd %arg-1%>Click &a&lhere &f&lto confirm!"
                send "&cYou do not have enough money to do that!"
            send "&cPlease Specify An Amount!"

command /confwithd [<integer>]:
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 contains "-":
                send "&cHuh? Withdrawing negative money makes no sense dude."
                if player's balance >= arg-1:
                    set {_amount} to "%arg-1%"
                    set {_amount} to format({_amount})
                    execute command "eco take %player% %arg-1%"
                    set {_name} to {@voucherTitle}
                    replace all "<amount>" in {_name} with {_amount}
                    give player glowing paper named {_name} with lore {@voucherLore}
                    send "&cYou do not have enough money to do that!"

on right click:
    if item is paper:
        if uncolored lore of event-items contains uncolored {@voucherLore}:
            remove 1 of tool from tool
            set {_amount} to colored name of event-item
            if {_amount} contains "<##32CD32>":
                if {_amount} contains "&a$":
                    send "&cNaughty Naughty, We Patched This Dumbfuck"
                    replace all "$" in {_amount} with ""
                    replace all "<##32CD32>" in {_amount} with ""
                    if {_amount} contains "-":
                        send "&cHuh? Withdrawing negative money makes no sense dude."
                        if {_amount} contains ",":
                            replace all "," in {_amount} with ""
                            execute command "eco give %player% %{_amount}%"
                            execute command "eco give %player% %{_amount}%"

Skript helper

adds some autocomplete to the /sk command

on tab complete of "sk" or "skript":
	set tab completions for position 1 to "reload", "enable", "disable", "update", "info" and "help"
	set tab completions for position 2 to scripts

Simple night vision command

	Prefix:  <##f50bd0>&lN<##f53eda>&lV <##f50bd0>» &r
	EnableMessage: &fNight vision has been &aEnabled. &fDo /nv to toggle
	DisableMessage: &fNight vision has been &cDisabled. &fDo /nv to toggle
	NoPermission: &4You dont have permission to use this!

	{nightvision.mode.%player%} = "False"
command /nightvision:
	aliases: nv
	permission: nightvision.enable
	permission message: {@NoPermission}
		if {nightvision.mode.%player%} is "False":
			message "{@Prefix} {@EnableMessage}"
			set {nightvision.mode.%player%} to "True"
			execute command "effect give %player% minecraft:night_vision 1000000 255 true"
			if {nightvision.mode.%player%} is "True":
				message "{@Prefix} {@DisableMessage}"
				set {nightvision.mode.%player%} to "False"
				remove night vision from the player

Thats all enjoy, more soon.




play.koolkidzmc.com (Velocity + Pufferfish FTW)






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