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XWaver's Jr.Mod Application


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Your IGN: XWaver

Your Discord (Test#0001): Grass=Good#8666

Age: 13 but come on bro were friends pls?

Time zone: Pacific Standard

What is you're current rank?: Minehut: Pro Kitx: Default

Do you have a working mic?: Yes

Do you have any previous punishments?: Like 30 bans but we were in vc for 29 of them basically.

How many hours are you able to be on the server?: Im homeschooled I can be on all day If I want

How active can you be per week?:Super active 8/10

Do you have any past moderating experience? If so, briefly describe it: I used to work on RawSteal but got fired for no reason by a bad manager and I have worked on many servers including my own with mh 35 right now.

Why do you want to become a staff member on KitX?: Because theres a lot of hackers that can kind of bypass but its blatant and stuff and theres no other staff on to ban them because the anti cheat won't ban them.

Why should we pick your application than other applications?: Well I am good with commands and SUPER good at seeing if someones hacking cause I own like 30 paid hack clients.

What is one of your strengths & weaknesses?: Strengths: Seeing if someone's hacking scripting and kind of building Weaknesses: When my pc is bad I can't rlly run anything so yeah

Do you know how to screen share & find Ghost Clients? (Yes/No): Yes cause I own a lot myself and know how to screenshare them good as HECK (Yes)

Do you use any Screen Share tools? (Yes/No): Program Hacker or AnyDesk (Yes)

Anything else?: Is luigi important ( this is a yes or no answer)

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